I haven’t shared my most recent Trader Joe’s buys with you and I am sure you’ve been desperately waiting for an update, am I right? Isn’t it weird? I shop at Trader Joe’s every single week. I usually have a shopping list that I try to stick to, but I...
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It’s been a while since I shared my favorite Trader Joe’s* items. I am sure you must have missed my reviews, right? To be honest, I am currently patiently waiting for an Aldi to finally open in our area. I am just really curious about the Aldi USA, because it’s originally...
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I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five 2.0 Linkup because the topic for today is food and that’s the perfect topic for me to talk about Trader Joe’s again. I haven’t shared my Trader Joe’s* buys in a while and since...
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Trader Joe’s* had some awesome seasonal items again this year. I always love to browse their holiday shelves. They always have a bunch of Christmas goodies from around the world like German Lebkuchen and Christmas Stollen, Italian panettone, advent calendars, fancy chocolate, and quite a few nice non-edible gifts. I bought a...
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Today I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday Five 2.0 Linkup. Ah, the holidays. Let’s talk about the holidays. This seems like such a good idea right now, doesn’t it? The holidays comprise Thanksgiving AND Christmas, right? I love and embrace both and...
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Hello, hello. Here’s another edition of ‘What I bought at Trader Joe’s’. I know you were waiting for this, weren’t you? I can’t say enough good things about Trader Joe’s* and if you don’t have one near you, I am truly sorry. I try to eat a healthy and balanced...
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I am back with another installment of “What I bought at Trader Joe’s”. My weekly grocery run usually leads me to 3-4 different stores, but I’d say that I do the bulk of my shopping at TJ’s. Some items I could also get at the regular supermarket, but comparing prices...
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I know, I am not the only Trader Joe’s enthusiast out there and I don’t know about you, but I am always thrilled when other people write about and recommend (new) items from Trader Joe’s that I might or might not have heard about or had the chance to try....
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