

Being home is simply wonderful, (and “exhausting”- hence the lack of blog posts). I unsuccessfully tried to keep my schedule somewhat flexible and open, but naturally, the days were filled with plans quickly.
It’ll take a couple more posts to summarize my whole trip. As always, time is flying and there are only 3 days left before I get on a plane again on Monday.

I arrived in Düsseldorf last Friday at 1 p.m. and was picked up at the airport by my Mom, Dad and my sister. It was overwhelming to see them, especially my sister with the baby belly. She looked so beautiful and she was glowing from the inside. Admittedly, partly because she was happy to see ME! :)

We drove home, had some sandwiches for a snack (real German rolls with Gouda – yes!) and then my aunt, my cousin, my Granddad and my great-aunt came over in the afternoon. It was great to see all of them.
Later my Mom surprised me with “Reibekuchen” (potato pancakes) for dinner – one of my favorite meals! It was a wonderful first half day with my family and I finally dropped into bed dead tired around 10.30 p.m.

  1. So glad you are having a good time!

  2. Good that you enjoy every second. It must be simply wonderful to be with them.

  3. Sounds so fun! And I love Reiberdatschi (that’s what we call them here). Have a great last few days in Germany.

  4. awww lecker! oh so glad you are having such an amazing time! so happy for you, enjoy every second! kisses

  5. Wow, that all sounds so good. Glad you are having a good time. Enjoy!! Jealous of the food. Haha.

  6. i love reibekuchen. they are so good.

  7. Oh lecker Puffer!!! Viel Spass noch zu hause! Bussi!

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