On down time and girl time


Last weekend was exactly what I needed… some much anticipated down time and some girl time with a friend.

Since I usually don’t work Fridays, this is my day to catch up on all the chores that I didn’t get done during the week. I try to get the cleaning, laundry and bill paying out of the way first. I’ve also taken to doing my grocery shopping on Friday late afternoons/evenings, because you know what? There is hardly anybody at the stores at that time! Pssst.

Saturday was spent cozily at home. I believe I didn’t leave the apartment at all.
I turned on the heater for the second time this fall. I wore thick, woolen socks (not in gray though), worked on some crafts (not knitting, but stitching and card-making) and dedicated some time to computer activities (and I wish I had a pretty white laptop like the one in the photo), because hey, I am dedicated to blogging also on the weekends in November and besides, Photoshop CS5 is really awesome. Just sayin’. I drank a huge pot of coffee in the morning and more tea in the afternoon. You wouldn’t believe how good I am about fluid intake in the fall/winter, when I can mostly rely on hot drinks.

J and I had a cozy Saturday evening catching up on our Netflix queue.

On Sunday morning, it was pouring. I had plans to go and see my friend Susi for a few hours and I wouldn’t let a little torrential rain interfere with my plans, but you know what that means for driving on the freeway, don’t you? I mean, Californians just freak out in the rain (to put it mildly).
I still made it to Susi’s house in a reasonable time and we caught up over a big pot of tea and you really have no idea, no freakin’ idea, how nice it is to speak German for a few hours :) I don’t know how to explain, it’s not that I couldn’t have had as good of a time if I had spoken with somebody in English, but it’s something about the way you can just blabber away when you’re talking with someone in your first language. I am sure some of you (at least) understand!

How did you spend your weekend?

Did you make good use of the extra hour due to the ending of DST? I surely used this hour wisely – I got some extra sleep :)

  1. sounds like a great weekend
    .-= olivia blogged this: Run run as fast as you can =-.

  2. Ha! Hubs and I drove to the bay area to see his family on Sunday, and it was raining and everyone forgot how to drive. We hit three accidents in one hour. R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s. Needless to say, Californians DO freak out in the rain and I really wish they could get it together.

    Your weekend sounded nice and cozy!

    Also, I cut straight bangs and I think I hate them. Dangit.
    .-= Ashlee blogged this: sunrises &amp sunsets =-.

  3. I did the exact same thing. I went away with my best friend for a relaxing girl’s weekend and it was really great. We even came back to our hotel room early one night and ordered Eat Pray Love to watch together – ultimate chick flick!
    .-= Andi blogged this: Travel Gear Tuesday – The perfect travel dress =-.

  4. :-) . My tea pot and i miss you already…

  5. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I also love to shop Friday or Saturday evenings because no one is there! It did backfire once, there was 3 other people shopping and only 1 new person on the checkout!

    This weekend wasn’t very memorable. We went shopping Friday night to get a present for a baby shower I went to on Sunday. Saturday we did errands.
    .-= Sheryl blogged this: Shop Updates! =-.

  6. Sounds like a lovely weekend! D’s family threw me a lovely bridal shower on Sunday, which I felt BAD about because people shouldn’t have to buy me presents!!
    .-= Emily Jane blogged this: Protected- RANT- That Time I Almost Failed Marriage Prep emilyjaneatlivedotca for password =-.

  7. Really? We go shopping for groceries after work on Friday and it is PACKED to the point where I have refused to let us go anymore.

    I know what you mean about speaking German for a bit — in two different ways — first, I remember how nice it was to speak a little English after full days of arduous German translating while I was there…and also nowadays I MISS speaking German and have no one to talk to. I need practice!

  8. Oh, I completely understand about the language thing & you already know that. :)

    I’m so looking forward to this cold weekend so I can do some of the things you mentioned above because about time it’s fall/winter now!

    We didn’t have DST so I can’t say I got an extra hour but I’m sad we’re 1 hour apart with California, Oregon & Washington now.
    .-= steph anne blogged this: Shirley Temple &gt Wine &amp Beer =-.

  9. Sounds like a perfect weekend! I spent mine working mostly, but got to spend some time with some family that was staying with us from out of town. Hope your week is going just as well!
    .-= lauryn blogged this: Jen and Aaron- Engaged =-.

  10. I spent time with my boyfriend in New Hampshire, concluding our two-and-a-half-week cohabiting experiment before I returned to Ohio. We didn’t do anything big, particularly because I got sick, but we watched a lot of “The Wire” & we cooked & we snuggled & it was PERFECT.
    .-= Suburban Sweetheart blogged this: Stranger Danger Is a Myth =-.

  11. Shopping mid morning on any weekday is always best at my grocery store. It took me a long time of finding the right time to go but now that I’ve discovered it, I hate going any other time.
    .-= terra blogged this: The Attempted Burglary =-.

  12. I do understand about the speaking German thing. Of course I mostly speak German but I was really glad to have a German roommate in the US and some German friends in Spain.
    .-= Karen blogged this: Ego Boosted =-.

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