January Favorites


1.) As I mentioned on Twitter the other day… I think I fell down the rabbit hole that is “Parenthood“. As always, I am kind of late to the party (of yet another TV series that I haven’t watched when it first aired), but I am very intrigued and have already cried through the first 4 episodes. That bodes well for the rest of the (so far 5 seasons), right?

2.) My Erin Condren life planner! It finally arrived last week and I am so excited to get organized. I am one of the people who use every possible device on their fingertips to help stay organized and a paper planner is definitely part of the equation. Do you use a paper planner? Do you have a favorite?

3.) I am back to knitting (and crocheting). For some odd reason, I didn’t find much time during the pre-Christmas season to knit, but right after we came back, I started two new knitting/crocheting projects. It’s such a soothing activity for me to wind down after a long day. Do you knit/crochet?

4.) I bought some rosehip tea when I was in Germany. It reminds me of my childhood, because whenever we went on (overnight) school trips, they’d serve rosehip tea at the youth hostels where we were staying. Most people that I know dislike rosehip tea (for that very reason), but I like it. I get a nostalgic feeling when I drink it (and besides that, I think it’s yummy).

5.) I’ve been using this vitamin fluid from Alverde (a German line of natural cosmetics) for a while and I really love it. It has a really nice texture, soft and fast-absorbing, and I love (!) the smell. Anything with Sanddorn (seabuckthorn) usually smells really good (and promotes the regeneration of the skin).

6.) Since I am not a big fan of traditional oatmeal (especially the “instant” kind), I’ve been playing around with different grains (semolina, oat bran, rolled oats,…) the last few months, but I think I have found my favorite: steel cut oats. I am completely in love with its chewy, slightly nutty texture/flavor and it reminds me a lot of “rice pudding” when I eat it… which basically makes it “dessert for breakfast”, you know, with a healthy kick. (Favorite way to prepare this coming soon!)

  1. I love my EC life planner! I’ve had one for three years now and I can’t see myself using anything else. I just wish they weren’t so darned expensive. And it costs almost half as much as the planner itself to ship it to Canada :(

  2. Love your new EC planner. I just adore mine and would be lost without it! And I did some knitting last weekend, too. I wasn’t able to for awhile as my hands hurt from the RA, So it’s been nice to get back into it as it is soothing.

  3. I’ve always wanted an EC planner, but I’m such a Google Calendar person now. Maybe I’ll go on their website and see what other cute products she offers.

  4. Your planner IS super pretty! I love paper calendars but with work events always changing I’ve given up on keeping it current and rely on my iphone calendars plus a wall calendar at home and in the office.

    I found rosehip tea in an international store months ago. I think it was a middle eastern inspired store. Yummy!

  5. my friend got me an Erin Condren life planner and I’ve just loved using it, although I look at it more than anything because it’s just so PRETTY, ha.

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