photo credit: @kazmirova via Unsplash
I woke up with chest pressure today, and it was not a residual from being sick last week. I haven’t had this kind of chest pressure in a while. I am convinced it has always been purely stress-related. Of course, it’s because of what day it is today. Martin Luther King Jr Day and the inauguration of Donald Tr*mp. The contrast of it could not be starker.
For my sanity, I did not partake in watching the spectacle of the inauguration of the convicted felon (FOTUS). I refused to elevate my heart rate (and damage my eyes) any further than it is already naturally occurring given the crazy times we live in. I am sick to my stomach that Americans handed this excuse of a person the keys to the White House again. I am still trying to understand how people could have voted for him again. How they did not see that he was doing the opposite of draining the swamp, but in fact, brought in the oligarchs (and blind – and may I add, unqualified – loyalists) to run the government. How are people okay with that?
The whole TikTok debacle over the weekend made it really clear to me.
Just for the record, I couldn’t care less if TikTok was banned (I don’t use it, although I did create an account at some point), but I am concerned about the way it was used as political leverage. And you should be concerned too.
I have not been on Twitter ever since Elon M*sk turned it into X. I am, however, active on Facebook (mainly to participate in my Peloton Group and Team Wilpers Running Group) and on Instagram. I have long lamented the changes that have happened on Instagram ever since it was acquired by Meta/Facebook. When Z*ckerberg announced last week that he was getting rid of third-party fact-checking in an obvious effort to play up to Tr*mp and a Republican audience, it didn’t sit well with me and it is becoming more and more clear that the social media platforms are controlled by the broligarchs.
I want to believe that I am a conscious user of these platforms. They’re fun, I love connecting with friends and following artists and small businesses. But we’re also all being manipulated by the algorithms and what the platforms choose to show us; if we want to acknowledge that or not. I am thinking very hard about if, or how, I want to use these platforms in the future.
Last night, in anticipation of the inauguration and as a way to protest, I joined a movement to log out of Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Threads) for a week. I am not quite ready to quit, and maybe it is not going to matter in the grand scheme of things, but I am taking this social media break from this platform for two reasons.
- I didn’t think it’s good for me to be on social media today or in the following days.
- I do hope that if not a complete departure, at least a “lights out” boycott will send a message to the broligarchs that we won’t let them all willingly manipulate us.
For now, I have switched to BlueSky (come find me), which is an independent social media platform similar to Twitter/Threads but without the Big Tech backing.
Oh, and I finally (ffs) canceled my Amazon Prime Membership today because that Bezos guy is in with the other ‘bros’. He might not control a social media platform and our brains, but he controls a different element of public convenience that Americans have gotten way too accustomed to. I won’t promise that I never shop at Amazon again (although I will try), but I am making an effort to stay away. Let’s see if we can really not live without it.
Maybe some will say that this is just a performative protest with no real consequences and they might be right. But are we really so addicted that we can’t log out for one week? Change starts with one person and for me it’s an act of personal defiance.
We often don’t believe that we can be that person that brings on change (or if we’re honest, we don’t want to give up something of convenience for the greater good. Therefore we tell ourselves that it wouldn’t matter anyway if other people don’t give it up as well). But what if a seemingly small and insignificant change could have an impact? What if it could get the ball rolling (if only in the way you personally decide to handle things going forward)?
A lot of people will feel the negative impacts of this administration. I am aware that I was previously privileged enough to be isolated from the direct effects of Tr*mp’s policies, but he’s directly targeting groups that I belong to this time (federal workers, scientists, women, immigrants). If I was upset (for my fellow men) before, it feels even more personal now. We cannot just give up. Instead, let’s think about what we can do.
There is something any one of us can do. Even if it starts as a ‘performative act’. The fact that we’re not idly sitting by is a start. The fact that we’re not accepting these clowns as our leaders that represent us and our values (because they don’t) is a start.
I know that what’s to come feels overwhelming (at least it does for me). I know I will be very angry along the way and will have to manage my stress levels and practice self-care. Don’t forget to live and do things that bring you joy. But we will need to stay vigilant and focus on the important parts. I expect that we’ll be jerked around and constantly bombarded with new announcements in order to confuse and distract us. It’s ok to be terrified of what might happen in the next four years, but let’s not be paralyzed by it.
I think I’ll be the third person to quote James Clear from his most recent newsletter. (I added the part in parentheses.)
“Caring about everything is a disaster. Caring about nothing is also a disaster. Nurture the small pocket of things that truly matter to you (and that you can control).” ~ James Clear
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. How did you do today?
January 21, 2025 at 1:17 amI agree that small act is what makes up to a big movement. I also find american life too convenient to make people too comfortable, reluctant to seek change. But when you are in it, it’s hard to want to give up the convenience. So what you are trying to do San is really remarkable.
January 24, 2025 at 8:51 pmThank you, Coco.
Tanja Jordan
January 21, 2025 at 1:54 amI didn´t watch anything on 01-20, didn´t want to hear or see anything about the inaugaration. But today, 01-21, it seems even worst.
As soon as you open any app or turn on tv or radio station you get to see/hear all the analyses and whatnot about yesterday.
Seeing/Hearing Musk actually usuing the nazi salute twice….. I feel anxious whatelse will come our way over the next 4 years… and maybe longer… who knows at this point.
January 24, 2025 at 8:52 pmI feel so … sick.
January 21, 2025 at 2:49 amSan, thank you for posting this. I am literally in the same brain space as you right now. In the “depths of despair”, as the other Anne would say. I haven’t taken as many steps to curb my engagement with these… people with whom I disagree so much. So thank you for setting an example, and for sharing your thoughts. <3
January 24, 2025 at 8:52 pmThese last few days have been hard. I hope you’re ok.
January 21, 2025 at 3:10 amGreat post San, thanks for this snd for sharing your own little actions of rebellion with us. Glad you have joined BlueSky, because I have been enjoying myself there since before Christmas. I try not to follow anyone resharing US politics because I don’t want to see that in my feed. :)
Happy new creative year!
January 24, 2025 at 8:53 pmI’ve been enjoying BlueSky. I understand that you’re trying to keep this a politic-free space.
January 21, 2025 at 5:55 amI have not heard of BlueSky so thanks for explaining that. I don’t do much social media, but I use FB to post photos and videos in a group for my babysitting people.
I am still confused about how trump was the republican candidate. It is mind blowing. I did not watch the inauguration and I’m sorry the political climate has stressed you out. You are not alone. Right or wrong, I tend to tune out politics and hope nothing crazy will happen.
January 24, 2025 at 8:54 pmI can understand that you’re trying to tune out politics (for sanity’s sake) although there’s a lot happening that will impact me directly, so it’s hard not to be worried.
January 21, 2025 at 7:08 amI am with you, friend. This is a marathon, though, and not a sprint. We’re going to have to pace ourselves to get through the next four years. *sigh*
January 24, 2025 at 8:54 pmThat is true. I feel like I just trained for this kinda thing… but it’s still hard.
January 21, 2025 at 7:34 amBroligarchs – I have not heard this before, it is perfect.
Doing something is better than doing nothing. Even if it is something (seemingly) small – you never know what waves it is going to make. Thank you for mentioning that you are disconnecting from Prime – this is food for thought – I think I’ve grown a little too dependent on it (streaming services more than shopping).
Unfortunately, the current government is in position to do irreparable damage (to our society, to our environment, to our health). I haven’t figure out what I can do – if anything. We are turning into a totalitarian state, complete with propaganda machinery, lies, blame, deportations, and fact-suppression. Next thing we know, we’ll be arrested for poetry (thinking of Mandelstam and many others back in the USSR…).
That said…. “This too shall pass”. The question is, will there be anything left?
January 24, 2025 at 8:55 pmThanks for stopping by, Natka. I appreciate your chiming in. It’s hard to know what will be left when this is all over.
January 21, 2025 at 9:35 amI have been long off of FB, IG, never really used twitter/X. Politics aside I think these platforms are generally parasitic and bad for mental health.
(Amazon prime — ohhh I think that would have to be pried out of my cold dead hands! But I can see your argument!!)
January 24, 2025 at 8:56 pmGood for you for quitting social media. I enjoy it (to an extent) and try to be mindful on how I use it, but with all the changes, I don’t know if it’s feasible to stay…
Lisa's Yarns
January 21, 2025 at 11:56 amHave been off social media since December of 2021 and haven’t looked back. It was net negative for my mental health overall. I know what annoys my parents that I’m not in the family Facebook group, but oh well. Phil is still in it, so he can fill me in on what they post. We do still have prime, though. I can totally see your argument though!
Inauguration to the extent possible but heard a news story about it when I was watching the news for a weather update and it got me all riled up.
January 24, 2025 at 8:56 pmI’ve been very deliberate in how I used social media but I can see how it can pull you in a negative space… and I don’t think this will be less likely going forward.
Michelle G.
January 21, 2025 at 6:02 pmI’ve been seriously thinking about leaving FB and IG, especially now that changes are being made. I feel so stupid and weak for being addicted to the platforms. But you’ve given me the idea to log out of them! Yes, I can do that. I’m going to go log out right now.
January 24, 2025 at 8:57 pmI have a hard time thinking about quitting altogether, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking this week…
January 22, 2025 at 2:42 amHey, I imagine that new policies are already having an effect on your livelihood. I’m so sorry. It is tricky in so many places right now, I also worry about the effects of the upcoming election in Germany on my offspring. They are integrated and naturalised and know nothing other than life in a German society, but are still recognised as different by their peers. I can only say hang in there, gather your people close, and prioritise self-care. Leaving social media is a good step.
January 24, 2025 at 8:59 pmThanks for stopping by and chiming in, Tamara. I am sorry you’re also worrying about your kids in Germany (the upcoming election is definitely a turning point as well).
January 22, 2025 at 5:18 pmThe whole thing is sickening. I deleted my twitter account a while ago. I have a big underlined note on yesterday’s journal page META!! Which is my shorthand to work out what I’m going to do with Facebook, Insta and Amazon. I don’t use Facebook much at all but messenger a lot for different groups. Insta I exclusively browse with the following tab so I only see my friends posts with no ads but I’m sure it won’t be long until they get rid of that feature and make it as useless and mind-numbing as facebook. Amazon I use kindle books and occasionally the TV streaming. I actually need an afternoon spare to go through and deal with all this. It’s pretty much impossible to remove ourselves from supporting all the a——holes. One of our local supermarket chains tried to bring in a system that was a riff on Amazon’s employee surveillance, and now I have to boycott them too! However, I think they will have to back down because of the union action and bad publicity.
January 24, 2025 at 9:00 pmYup, I get it… it’s hard to decide what to do with the platforms we’ve been using for so long. I struggle. I have been using Facebook only for my workout groups and I also mainly used the “following” tab on IG, but i don’t know if that is enough. Gah.
Common Household Mom
January 23, 2025 at 6:11 pmThank you for saying what you said. Wise words. I did not watch any of the FOTUS inauguration on the day of, but today I watched some of the late-night comedians, so I saw snippets. And to cleanse my brain I watched the entirety of the sermon by Bishop Mariann Budde.
I have declared to myself that I will be contacting my US Senators and Representative regularly. In the past two days I’ve been so angry I contacted them all several times. More importantly, in my state we have school board, municipal, and judicial elections this year. I hope voters will pay more attention to those elections.
I feel it’s nigh impossible to completely stop buying things from the massive corporations such as Amazon. I prefer to read books on kindle, and sometimes have to buy them. But otherwise I try to limit my purchases. I am going to stay on Facebook because my political group is on there, and so far Bluesky does not fit the bill.
January 24, 2025 at 9:01 pmThanks for stopping by, Carolyn. I think if we all start doing little things and implementing little changes, that’s a great start!
January 24, 2025 at 4:36 amI like calling him the FOTUS. I’ve been in a pit of despair since Monday and I cannot believe we’re back in this shit. I did hear someone talk about how it’s a great time to learn how to save money now because we don’t want to contribute to his economy, lol.
I’m working on deleting my FB account – I rarely use it but have so many pictures on there that aren’t stored anywhere else. I’m downloading them and organizing them, and then I’ll delete my account. IG is hard. I love it but it’s hard seeing all of the news stories and everyone reacting to the news stories.
I still have Amazon Prime but I really should delete that account.
I need to figure out what I can do locally because I think that will help my feelings of hopelessness.
January 24, 2025 at 9:03 pmSame, friend, same. I am trying to work out what to do with social media and all this and what I can do locally. It’s hard but everything that has been coming down the pipe this week (and so quickly) is really giving me anxiety and I need to feel like I am doing *something*.
January 25, 2025 at 4:18 pmI think we all need to do what we can, whether that is a protest like quitting social media, or writing letters and making phone calls, or both. Being involved in some way helps your mental health too, I think. Also, being more involved in your community can help you feel more in control, even if that is an illusion.
These are scary times.
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead
Tobia | craftaliciousme
January 26, 2025 at 2:13 amAmen.
It is hard to be alive these days. I am so fearful of how elections will go in a month here in Germany. I have a feeling we will see another white privileged unempathetic and almost racist men on the top. I can’t watch the news to be honest but I probably should.
When I heard about the Meta ban I thought I am in only to remember I am a social media manager and I need to be on the platforms to handle the accounts. However it does really make me wonder if I can in good conscience consult my clients to be there. If all the things are toxic is it a goo environment to promote your products and services? Unfortunately I have seen many social media platforms rise as alternative which have not stuck so I am not even signing up. We’ll see how it will play out.
List #18: Good Things Friday – January 2025 – The Brighton Jotter
January 30, 2025 at 2:15 pm[…] San wrote about the ethical dilemmas posed by Tech Bros. You might also like ways to limit Meta’s ability to collect and monetize your data. […]