9: Current Pet Peeves

photo credit: David Klein on Unsplash

1. When people say ‘Don’t break up relationships over politics” and ask me to be tolerant of other people’s political views. I can tolerate different political views just fine, but not different values. Don’t ask me to be tolerant when you voted for intolerance.

2. When someone jawns extra loudly. I have a co-worker who repeatedly does that. The first time, I felt empathy and thought she was just really tired, but she’s been doing it almost every time when I am at the office and I wonder if it’s just a very annoying habit.

3. That everything is in video format these days. I have a blog for a reason.

4. When people don’t RSVP to meeting invites and nobody knows if they’re going to show up. I have noticed that some people just never bother to RSVP and I find it so rude.

5. When people call me Sandy, even though I introduced myself as “Sandra”.

6. When people don’t know how (or don’t care) to park between the designated lines. I see it every day. Every day. I don’t really know what is so hard about parking your vehicle between the lines that have been provided for your guidance.

7. When products that I love are discontinued. I get so annoyed when I find a product that I really, really like and then it gets discontinued. Argh. I mean, I don’t know if I should feel special for having such an exclusive taste or if I should feel just mad. Probably the latter.

8. When cars turn right at a red light or roll through a stop sign without yielding to pedestrians/runners. HELLO! I’ve been cut off multiple times this way and now always expect it rather than assuming that people will make a full stop before proceeding into the intersection.

Do you agree? Disagree? What’s one of your current pet peeves?

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2024
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  1. Sorry to be one that also loves creating video. I enjoy YouTube creators a lot and live watching crafty videos. What I don’t really enjoyed is being forced to watch videos on Facebook all. the. time! And not by anyone I follow or have engaged with, just the random content, that to me is annoying.

    But great topic & list, Sandra?!

  2. Most of my family voted for Trump so I have to look beyond their political views and not let it damage my relationship with them. It’s hard and has required me to really think about what happened this week differently. Phil and I had a long talk about it and he said to keep in mind that if we sat down and compared values/what matters, we would agree on probably 70% of things. I am glad that in my marriage, we vote the same. We didn’t when we met in 2012 and it didn’t matter at all. Now it would be hard since the Republican Party has changed so much. (I voted for republicans from 2004-2012 elections and then abandoned that party when Trump rose to power.)

    My biggest pet peeve is people who are late. I think it is so disrespectful!! I know things come up but it still irks me.

  3. This post makes me feel very laid back (which . . . I’m not sure I am!) because most of these would not bother me at all! Well, maybe #8 because I could get run over.

  4. Good point about differing values. That’s a stumbling block in all relationships.

    I agree about videos, I find myself yelling “use your words” at them. I can read faster than anyone can talk on a video.

    The not yielding to pedestrians makes me anxious. When I see it happen I am so worried someone is going to get hurt.

    Current pet peeve: election signs all over the place, in yards, on the corners in cities, in fields. I don’t like them in general and feel they are clutter during the prettiest time of year. THEN to have them up after an election makes me snarl.

  5. Argh, I also hate video format! Reels and the like drive me crazy. Like, I just want to see photo and text, is that so wrong?
    The name thing is so weird, I have never had anyone call me Nicki, which would be the same thing as Sandy for you, but once my husband and I were out and he introduced himself as Robert, as he often does. The fellow we met called him Bob and I’ve never gotten over how funny that was.

  6. I also don’t like videos. I mean, I’ll watch them sometimes, but I like printed words and photos. I guess that’s why we’re bloggers.
    In the past, I’ve tried to look past politics. I’ve told myself “our similarities are greater than our differences” but it’s getting harder and harder.
    People love to call me “Jen.” Um… I think I said my name was Jenny?

  7. I also don’t like how everything is video. It’s also odd to call someone you just met by any name other than the one they used to introduce themselves.

  8. I find it a from of disrespect when people call you something else than you introduce yourself. Like they can’t be bothered to remember.

    I am not big on video myself. I rather read.

  9. It would upset me if someone changed my name after I introduced myself. That’s strange.

    Lately, I’ve noticed that when people go to church, they don’t scoot into the pew. They pick a nearly empty pew, sit at the end, and if someone shows up and wants to sit in the pew, they make people crawl over them. What is wrong with sitting inside the pew? My guess is people don’t want to be stuck waiting to get out of the pew at the end of mass. You have to sit there an extra minute and listen to the choir who has practiced their songs to enhance the experience? I find it very strange behavior.

  10. OMG! Yes, yes, and a hard yes! I hate the name thing and loathe that people expect us to be tolerant of *their* views, but are so intolerant of everyone else’s. And don’t get me started on drivers. Yikes. I feel a post coming on.

  11. FYI, from your NaBloPoMo page, the link to your own blog isn’t working for me. I know, it seems obvious, I can just go to the top and hit home, but I’ve been clicking on everyone from your list, thought I would let you know.
    I agree on a lot of these. The one that bugs me the most is people turning right at a red while looking to the left, not looking for pedestrians, runners, bicycles, etc., because it’s so dangerous. Related, I dislike when people are in a parking lot or on the street and walk in front of oncoming traffic without looking, because that’s also very dangerous.

  12. Everyone is always sending me videos and then acting surprised when I don’t watch them. I don’t want flickering images!!! Blogging4LYFE.

  13. I am in lockstep with you on most of these. It’s infuriating how many people don’t understand, or are willfully ignorant of, the paradox of tolerance. I would always rather read than watch a video. A few times lately I’ve been distracted and come back to find that I parked like a drunk person and been mortified – yet I’m almost always still between the lines. If I’m aware that I’ve parked badly, I will usually spend an embarrassing amount of time getting it right.
    Few things make me as irate as people not getting other people’s names right – it’s an important way of recognizing their identity, and it is monstrously arrogant to think yourself ‘too busy’ to get their name right or think you know better what they should be called.
    I am constantly finding that things I love get discontinued. And I get really attached to things like moisturizer and it is really difficult to find a new one when the one I like can’t be found anymore.

  14. Yes, with the video thing. With text and photos and can go through at my own pace instead. Video it’s always too slow or too fast. My husband is the opposite, hates reading and loves video.

  15. One of my current pet peeves is that when I write a comment and hit some random button by accident I have to start all over again – especially true on my phone.
    I am pretty relaxed when it comes to my name and when they see it written I can be sure they will pronounce it in a wrong way and they write it wrong if they hear it. Other then that I completely agree. Even though with the parking and turning I am not particularly surprised when I see how learning to drive in this country works.

  16. I was recently hanging out with someone and I was flabbergasted at how loudly they yawned. Like, there’s a yawn, a loud yawn, and then yawn-yelling, “Oh gosh!” at the end of a yawn. Drives me crazy. And I don’t know how to tell them because I feel like I would fare poorly in the answer, AITA?

    Also, beyond this one person, there are a LOT of people who don’t realize they’re not wearing masks anymore and their faces are ugly-contorted during yawning. Cover your mouth! Have some self-respect.

    I have strong feelings about yawns, lol.

  17. Many of your pet peeves are my pet peeves! It is very hard to know what to do about family who voted for Trump. How do I even begin to talk to them about the harm they just did? Ugh.

    I’m okay about video content, maybe because I just accepted that’s the way social media is now. At least we still have our blogs!

  18. I hear you on all of this San! I have no patience for videos. I know some people really like YoutTube but I just don’t get it. I hate when work makes me watch training videos on cyber security. Everything in writing all the time please!

    ALso YES on the RSVPing to meetings. Either say you’re coming or dont! Don’t just make me sit awkwardly in an empty teams chat for 5 minutes. ugg.

  19. I think with video if it is something I actively choose to watch, it’s fine, but I don’t like situations where it’s the default/actively pushed (i.e. reels on instagram). Two random pet peeves: a) people who leave their shopping cart in the parking lot, b) people who wear a lot of perfume.

  20. Videos. Blergh. I do like Stories. Reels? Not so much. I am loving Threads – give me text, please! (I have seen you there, too, which makes me happy. <3)
    Also, I was on the line when I parked today and I apologized to you. In my defense, I was running late and it was a tight squeeze.
    My pet peeve? People who assume things about others' lives, and make snarky comments voicing those assumptions. Look, we have no idea what's going on in that person's life. How about showing some grace and realizing they may have something going on that they do not want to share? Gah.

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