I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.
I know you all must think I am a little crazy what with all the challenges I have going on (and I probably am), but what can I say, they’re just really fun and motivating for me. Usually during a regular week, I can space out and fit in all my challenges fairly well, but if I am having a change in (work) schedule – like this week – things can get a little tricky. And with tricky, I mean, “crowded”. I had to rearrange my schedule this week because of a workshop that I was attending for three days.
Although the workshop was virtual, we had participants nationwide, so us Westcoasters had to start our work day pretty early (at 7 a.m.) to accommodate all participants. In reality, I really had to be showered and ready at my laptop even before then, so I had to shuffle my workouts quite a bit. I had to cram a couple of workouts together that I would have usually taken over the course of the week, but it all worked out in the end.
- 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – JJ (4/3/23)
- Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2023 – W3R1
- 15 Warm Up Run/ 90’s Run – Jon (9/30/22) – Instructor Bingo
- 20 Min 4×4 Min Threshold Run/ Depeche Mode Run – Tobias (6/17/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min Cool Down Run/ Cool Down – Matt (3/31/23)
- 10 Min Just Walk: Outdoors
- 20 Min Lower Body Strength: Week3, Day 1 – Adrian (10/3/22) — PUTV1 – W3D1/Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min Focus Flow: Lower Body – Kristin (5/3/23) — Instructor Bingo/Personal Streak
I slept in a bit (because of the Juneteenth holiday) and was lucky that it wasn’t hot already by the time I left for my Team Wilpers Week 3, run 1. The Depeche Mode Run with Tobias was great. The music carried me through these threshold intervals.

- 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Hannah F (6/19/23)
- Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2023 – W3R2
- 10 Min Warm Up
- 15 Min V02 Max Run/30 Min Intervals Run – Kirsten (3/17/23) – Breaking Zones – W1AR/Instructor Bingo
- 5 Min Cool Down
- 20 Min Upper Body Strength: Week 3, Day 2 – Adrian (10/3/23) — PUTV1 – W3D2
- 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Leanne (8/31/22)
- 30 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Ben (4/10/23) — Breaking Zones W1R1/Instructor Bingo
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Ben (2/14/20)
- 10 Min Yoga Flow – Mariana (6/29/22) – Instructor Bingo
Because of the (early morning) work commitments later this week, I had to do the Team Wilpers V02 Max Run and also get started with the PZPack “Breaking Zones” Challenge. Not ideal, but I had a 30 min break between them and it actually worked out great. I am really enjoying the running speed work and I added “lap pace” to my Garmin data screen, which made hitting the target pace for the V02 Max intervals much easier.

- 10 Min Yoga Flow – Kristin (6/21/22) — Rainbow Reach/Personal Streak
- 10 Min Bodyweight Strength – Assal (11/24/22) — Instructor Bingo
My workshop started today and I had an early start (7 am), so I didn’t get much done beforehand. A little bit of yoga, a little bit of body weight strength training.
- 10 Min Warm up Ride – Bradley (3/13/22)
- 30 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (5/18/23) — Breaking Zones W1R2
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Matt (8/19/22)
- 10 Min Yoga Flow – Denis (6/12/22) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
Another early work day, but I slept well and got up early enough to get W1R1 for my Breaking Zones Challenge out of the way. The “Sweet Spot Ride” (right at the transition line between zones 3 and 4) was really fun!

- 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 3, Day 3 – Adrian (10/3/22) — PUTV1-W3D3
- 10 Min Yoga Flow – Nico (11/17/22) — Personal Streak
- 30 Min Madonna Walk – Jeffrey (3/19/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 20 Min 80’s Walk – Matty (3/18/22) — Instructor Bingo
I finished Week 3 of the Pump Up The Volume 1 program before work and opted for a walk (or two) with Jon in the afternoon.
- 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Camila (4/19/23)
- Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2023 – W3R3
- 10 min Warm Up Run / 30 Min Tina Turner Run – Marcel M (3/4/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 45 Min Endurance Run /20 Min 80’s Run – Joslyn (2/3/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 5 Min Cool Down /Extra 10: Madonna Run – Susie (6/20/23) — Summer Body Stack
- 30 Min Tropical House Ride – Ben (6/19/23) — Summer Body Stack
- 10 Min Yoga Flow: For Runners – Kristin (6/7/23) — Personal Streak
- 10 Min Spinal Mobility – Andy (2/7/23) — Rainbow Reach
I had an endurance run @ easy pace on my schedule and I vowed upon leaving the house to really honor that pace. I mentioned before that running at easy pace can feel “hard”, because my feel good pace is somewhere in the middle, but I I really want to reap the benefits of this training, so I am forcing myself to slow down. I was pleased to see that my average pace almost matched my easy pace exactly.

I also participated in another fun Streakers365 Challenge this week: the Summer Body Stack Exchange. You design a 40-60 min stack of favorite classes for an assigned streaker, and in return you also get a stack from somebody else, and then you have a week to complete the stack. I added Susie’s Extra 10: Madonna Run to the end of my endurance run and then flushed out my legs on Ben’s Tropical House Ride. The classes fit perfectly into my Saturday workout plan!

- 10 Min Happiness Mediation – Chelsea (4/3/23) — Rainbow Reach/Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min HIIT Cardio – Jess S (2/4/20) — Instructor Bingo
- 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Erik (1/9/23)
- 45 Min Power Zone Endurance 2000’s Ride – Erik (1/9/23) — Breaking Zones – W1R3
- 10 Min Barbara Streisand Stretch – Robin (6/15/22) — Rainbow Reach
- 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Denis (10/18/22) — Personal Streak

Current Challenges + Trackers:
Power Zone Pack Breaking Zones Challenge (8 weeks) — Week 1 complete
Streaker365 Rainbow Reach – week 3
Streaker365 Eat the Rainbow Bingo (Nutrition Challenge)
Streaker365 June Personal Streak (10+ min yoga/day)
Streaker365 Summer Body Stack Exchange
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 1 Strength Program (4 weeks) – Week 3
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) – 4 Bingos

This week’s stats:
Running: 14.2 mi
Walking : 2.5 mi
Cycling: 46.2 mi
HIIT/Cardio: 20 min
Strength: 70 min
Yoga: 70 min
Warm up + Stretching: 70 min
Meditation: 10 min
Hope you had a fantastic week. Anything that threw off your schedule? How did you adjust?
Rainbow Reach = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Breaking Zones = Power Zone Pack Challenge “Breaking Zones” (8 weeks)
W1C1 = Week 1, Class 1
W1AR1 = Week 1 Accelerator Class 1
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo
June 25, 2023 at 5:11 pmIt looks like you had a fantastic week! Schedule glitch? I woke up at 4:30 am for my Tuesday pool sesh, but I got an email that the power was out! I pivoted and did yoga. Another glitch may happen this week…I have an evening pride run tomorrow night and I think I may have to skip Tuesday’s pool sesh to sleep in before work. We’ll see…
July 2, 2023 at 4:04 pmYup, somtimes we have to pivot. I am glad you made it work :)
Deborah Brooks
June 26, 2023 at 5:28 amI have never tried the “just workout” for outdoor walks I usually just pop on a walk. Good option though! Great week of workouts for you with lots of variety
July 2, 2023 at 4:04 pmI usually use the “just workout” option when I don’t know how long the work will be… or if it’s under 10 min (as there are no outdoor walks under 10 min).
June 26, 2023 at 6:47 amGreat week! The storms were an absolute challenge for us this week. Lots of lightning and high winds and I am not about that treadmill life.
July 2, 2023 at 4:05 pmUgh, lightning and wind are no fun for outdoor workouts. I’d opt for the treadmill any time.
June 26, 2023 at 11:18 amAnything that motivates you is a good thing!
Let’s just say I’m having to adjust constantly at the moment. It is what it is.
July 2, 2023 at 4:06 pmThat’s right – anything that’s motivating is a good thing! :)
Kim G
June 26, 2023 at 12:15 pmI personally LOVE that you do numerous challenges at one time. I imagine it helps keep things interesting, which is so important with at home workouts.
July 2, 2023 at 4:06 pmYes! You’re absolutely right – the challenges keep things interesting, esp. because I work out from home. It makes me feel connected to the community.
Kimberly Hatting
June 27, 2023 at 7:06 amWhew! I’m exhausted just reading through this…you definitely keep a full schedule of workouts! Well done!
July 2, 2023 at 4:07 pm… haha, says YOU, who always keeps a full schedule herself! ;))
June 27, 2023 at 2:37 pmWow, what a busy week and with a wide variety of workouts.
July 2, 2023 at 4:07 pmThanks Debbie, it was fun :)
June 28, 2023 at 9:43 amGreat job fitting in all those workouts around your early morning workshops! I had some travel last weekend, and this weekend coming up again so my schedule had to be modified. But, we make it work, right?
July 2, 2023 at 4:07 pmTravel always throws off things, but yes, I know you always make it work!
June 29, 2023 at 1:15 amyou absolutely made the best of the situation with work last week. sometimes it is tough. my schedule gets thrown off all the time but its normally my own fault rather than work’s haha! My brain hasn’t yet caught up with my body and it still thinks I can do all the things without any painful consequences. So yeah, kudos to you for making it work for you last week!!
July 2, 2023 at 4:08 pmIt’s a learning process, isn’t it? But I am glad you’re trying to listen more and adjust accordingly!
June 29, 2023 at 6:51 amwell done you! I’m just catching up on blogs this week due to work, so I get it…work gets in the way of fun and fitness sometimes :)
July 2, 2023 at 4:08 pmRude, isn’t it? ;)
July 20, 2023 at 12:30 pmYou are amazing! You do so many different things, participate in all these challenges, and manage to smile through it all. :)