Time warp

photo credit: Mobin Moein via Unsplash

time warp n.

A hypothetical discontinuity or distortion occurring in the flow of time that would move events from one time period to another or suspend the passage of time.


In many ways, time seemed to stay still these last two years (or at least move more slowly) and then again, we arrived in 2022 with lightning speed. It all feels a bit like a time warp, don’t you agree?

You know, Jon and I had been operating on auto-pilot for so long (said ‘no’ to almost everything) that it was almost hard to say ‘yes’ to this trip home that happened in April. Not because I didn’t want to go, but because I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do. Up until the day before my departure, I could not believe that I was actually going to get on that plane. 

In the days leading up to my travel, Jon kept asking me, if I wasn’t excited at all. Apparently, I wasn’t acting very excited, but you know what? I somehow didn’t allow myself anticipatory joy until I knew it was really going to happen. It was the first time in 15+ years that I had booked a fully refundable flight, not knowing if that precaution was needed.

Adding fuel to the emotional fire, three days before my departure, I received a message from United Airlines informing me that my flight from SFO was going to be delayed. 24 hours later, the flight had disappeared from my booking completely. I was on the phone with United for 2+ hours less than 48 hours before my departure, not knowing if I still had a reservation. They eventually rebooked me onto a different flight and it looked like I was going after all.

A trip back home is a highlight for anyone most people who live far away from family and friends. A trip back home after 2+ years into a global pandemic, when home is not in another city, another state, but on a whole other continent, is a different story.

I mean, we all know, distance sucks in general (still waiting for that teleportation device, just saying!), but is a real b*tch if all of a sudden you’re not allowed to travel internationally. I honestly didn’t see that one coming after 15+ years abroad. I mean, it’s not like I could get into a car and just drive.

As you can imagine, I could belabor this predicament in a million different ways, but let’s just say I am thankful for the Internet and FaceTime more than ever. It wasn’t too long ago, when video calls were a thing of the future, let alone having the capability to see and hear loved ones at any given time via a (very) smart (indeed!) phone that you can hold in the palm of your hand. Technology is freakin’ amazing. 

But don’t get me wrong. It had been entirely too long since I was home. Strangely though, when I finally arrived in Germany, it didn’t really feel like it had been that long since I was last there. Then again, it also felt at least twice as long. Time perception is a weird thing, guys.

Anyway, I am not sure what the point of this post is. I guess, going back to Germany always feels a little bit like time traveling to me, and I think that feeling of time warp is exacerbated by that vacuum that you’re in when you travel long distances by plane.

It’s not like a road trip, where you can see the changing landscape and adapt slowly from one place to the next. No, it’s like one minute you get on the plane and – poof! just like that – you exit the plane and you’re in Germany. And just a couple of weeks later, you experience the same in reverse and when you’re propelled forward again at lightning speed back to the time and place where you live now.

What I am here to tell you though is: I had the best time back home with my family and if you want to hear more, you’ll have to come back tomorrow.

  1. So happy you pulled the trigger and made it home!

  2. It’s so hard to imagine how we used to plan for things like trips, and those trips happened, and we didn’t think twice about it. I now sort of think “well, I will believe it when it happens.” I am so glad you were able to make the trip and I think I just had sympathetic anxiety about your flight disappearing.

    One of the best things about plane travel is that you are immediately somewhere else, and it’s all different. When my boys were super little – four and five – we went to Palm Desert in February and they could not believe that we got on a plane in a place filled with ice and snow and got off the plane and there were flowers and grass! It was just incredible to them, and you know what, it is incredible.

    Looking forward to hearing about your trip!

  3. I am so glad that your trip worked out. I can relate to not being able to get excited about something or count on it happening until basically the day of. That is how I felt about our trip to AZ in February. I was so sure someone would get covid. But it all worked out. We also bought refundable flights and I don’t know when I will buy non-refundable ones again!

  4. I am SO glad you got to go home (although OMG United!!! Talk about a heart pounder!).

    1. Thank you friend (and yeah, United had me on edge there for a hot minute).

  5. I am so glad you were able to go home, and I fully understand the feeling of being in a time warp. I definitely felt this weird sense of displacement when I got home from my trip on Tuesday. Like, what is home? What do I do at home? I have to buy groceries now?! Traveling is such a weird experience, haha.

    I’m so excited to read more about your trip home!

  6. OMG, United. Seriously. I’m surprised you didn’t keel over from the stress. And I TOTALLY get not getting excited until you’re on the plane, and in the air. I don’t even rely on just “on the plane” anymore because so much can still go sideways.
    I am SO GLAD that you chose to do this trip – that you said ‘yes’. How you must have felt seeing your family for the first time in years… Wow. :) Can’t wait to hear more!

  7. I am so happy you had the chance to get back home but also can understand the not allowing yourself to look forward too. And the whole last 2,5 years are really just crazy. Nothing happened and the a lot happens and you feel no time has passed and yet you are two years older. It’s just too weird to comprehend.

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