Month: December 2021

Our Christmas 2021

Well, to be quite honest, I thought this Christmas was going to be different. I had high hopes that we would be able to travel to Europe, maybe. And yeah, yeah, we *could* have, technically… but we are still not ready to travel, not with Omicron and all. So we...

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Currently | December

ENJOYING | the 2nd Christmas holiday. Yesterday was still an official Christmas holiday in Germany and I think everyone deserves not one, but two holidays for Christmas. Amirite? EATING | all the Christmas cookies. I am on a serious sugar overload this week. (I usually don’t eat that many sweets,...

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December Link List

Around the Interwebs No one cares! (It’s my new mantra. LOL) Look at theses cool product designs. Have you heard of main character syndrome?  How to rekindle an old friendship. Click through this if you don’t believe it: Being poor is expensive. There is some truth to the saying “we work...

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What I read in November

A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig (★★★★☆) If you remember the four years of Trump’s presidency as a blur (because at the time you were just trying to get through them, and have since tried hard to forget about them),...

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