Monthly Recap | June


One book, yay! I finished Maud’s Line by Margaret Verble. (Come back for my recap tomorrow!)


I tried a(n adapted version of a) new recipe for creamy gnocchi and it was a winner. We also made veggie burgers with homemade oven fries and they were so, so good.

One other thing we ate, but didn’t cook ourselves, was deep dish pizza. Yum. I am usually a thin-crust kinda girl, but this deep dish from our local pizzeria is admittedly superb.


The Democratic Debates. I have not yet picked a favorite in the vast field of presidential candidates (have you?) and I thought it would be good to watch the debates to get a better overview. As of right now though, I am not any further into picking a favorite, FYI. 


I listened to a couple of episodes of the “Pod Save America” podcast. Oh, and some music on Music Choice, because our TV is usually tuned to one music channel or another when we’re not watching TV.


I bought some yarn, some crafty stuff, and some Ikea items. We hadn’t really planned on it, but we invested in a couple of things for our home and backyard this month and I am so glad we did.


I ran 53 miles /85 km in June. I was hoping for a bit of a higher number, but I had to take a whole week off from running, which obviously impacted my stats. I was pretty pleased with my training otherwise.


+ I’ve been busy with tons of small craft projects. I’ve been in a creative mode and trying to take advantage of it. 

+ We spent a day with friends in Napa Valley and we had so much fun. Some people simply live too far away. 

+ We worked on our backyard this month and got it ready for BBQ season. I love how it turned out. I wanted to create a space where I want to hang out. I was never able to do that at our old house (don’t ask!) and I am so glad we found a place that has a small private backyard that we have now set up and ready to use this summer. Needless to say, I spent a few weekend mornings out there already.

+ We had a friend over for a BBQ one Saturday and it was the first time in a while that we actually hosted someone at home. I had forgotten how much fun that is. 

+  I was sidelined by a summertime cold at the end of the month and it sucked. I wasn’t bed ridden or anything, didn’t even physically feel that bad, but I had to pause my half marathon training as I was totally stuffed up and coughing for at least a week.

How was your June?

  1. I’m definitely Team Elizabeth and Team Kamala, especially after the debates. I’ll reluctantly vote for Biden or Bernie, but they are not my top choice.

    I hope you’re feeling better now and I’m so glad you have a space where you feel more at home!

  2. I’m sorry you got sick at the end of the month too! Boo to the summer sickness! I’m not sure yet who I like the most in the running. I do like some of what Warren has going on. And man, I haven’t had a deep dish pizza in ages, it sounds good now!

  3. I love that you have a nice backyard suitable for relaxing and hosting. That’s awesome!! Sorry about the annoying summer cold, but I hope you are feeling much better now.


  4. Ughhh, summertime colds are the worst; they feel so out of place! Hope you’re feeling better & that you have a great July!

  5. Ich liebe unsere Terrasse, haben sie auch gerade wieder auf Vordermann gebracht. (hast ja vielleicht mein Facebook-Foto gesehen) Ich freue mich sehr für dich, dass ihr nun auch so ein schönes Plätzchen habt zum relaxen und eine gute Zeit zu verbringen.

    Bei uns geht auch die Sommergrippe um, hatte bis jetzt Glück und bin verschont worden.

  6. So far I am team Biden, mostly because I feel like he has the best chance of beating Trump. I think some of the candidates are just a bit too progressive to get votes from people who voted for Trump. I’m just all about electing someone who will get Trump out of office.

    June felt like a blur for me. The summer months always seem to fly by for us! The highlight was a long weekend trip to visit my parents at the lake!

  7. Summer colds are the worst. I am also trying to battle one. Your backyard sounds amazing. I love my balcony but envy once in a while I wonder if I preferred a backyard.

  8. Sounds like you had a lovely June! And yay for getting that beautiful backyard space! Your dinners sound delish–and I’m with you. Thin crust girl myself, but every now and then I can totally dive my face into a deep dish, mmmm…

    I’m not sure who is the frontrunner for me in the debates, though I very much enjoyed watching them. I feel like I was such a diehard Bernie fan for life last go-round, but now he seems to be saying the same things over and over, and maybe his time has come and gone. Corey Booker is pretty solid, but I think the frontrunner for me right now is Pete Buttigieg (I hope I’m spelling that correctly!?).

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