Currently | April

STOKED | about receiving my confirmation letter that I’ll be officially starting my permanent position at my job on 4/28. My co-worker was joking that I am doing this absolutely right, by being on vacation when the effective date hits – way to start a “new” job!

HOPING TO | get some stuff finished (or to a good stopping point) at work, before I go on AL, but I am also really

LOOKING FORWARD TO | to being off work for a few weeks soon. I am ready for a proper vacation (although visiting back home never really feels like a vacation vacation, if you know what I mean).

LOVING | our new-to-us outdoor furniture for the backyard. I’ve been wanting to get our backyard summer-ready, so we can sit out there (at an actual table) and have our coffee there in the morning and BBQs in the evening.

WEARING | a necklace that I haven’t worn for a long time.

DRINKING | decaf French press coffee.

EATING | Thai food. 

TRYING | different kinds of soy milk in my morning coffee (what’s your favorite?).

READING |  A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. STILL. Gosh, I need to finish it.

WORKING ON | some blog posts to schedule for the time when I am away. I don’t want to leave you completely hanging ;)

ENJOYING | the cycling classes I’ve been going to on Sunday mornings.

What’s going on with you currently?

  1. Yay for finally having a permanent position. You’ve had so much uncertainty and change at work. I bet it feels soooo good to have something permanent. Good timing to be on vacation when you start your “new” job. Ha. And I totally know what you mean about visits home not feeling like vacation. I experienced that when I was living in Charlotte. Traveling home was nice but not relaxing as I tried to see so many people that I would kind of exhaust myself in the process. The trips home were still amazing, but not vacations…

    I’m currently hoping for nice, springy weather. It’s been kind of cold and rainy here the last few days. But the weekend forecast looks encouraging!

    1. I am so glad they finally rewarded me for all the years that I’ve been at my job! I should have quit so many times LOL

  2. I am really looking forward to warmer weather and being able to play outside with Lucy. Being inside is driving me crazy!

    1. I totally get it… getting outside is the best!

  3. Yeah for the final confirmation on your permanent position!
    I totally get it, going home to see family never feels like vacation vacation to me either.
    Geez, I still haven’t tried Thai food yet……
    Maybe something you can introduce me to the next time we meet.

    1. Girl, we gotta go have Thai food!!

  4. Congrats on the job! That is very exciting news!! Not much is going on with me other than needing to get ready for Easter this weekend.

    1. Thank you, it’d been a long time coming.

  5. You’re right – a proper vacation doesn’t include visiting family! It should be in a place no one knows you and can call on you to do ANYTHING. Someplace you can get lost and eat stuff you’ve never eaten and see things you’ve never seen.

    Currently, I’m reading “They Didn’t Know,” My Personal Journey With Lyme Disease, by Martha Conan. She’s inspirational and I can’t wait to really delve in.

    1. Haha… a place where no one knows you and can call on you… EXACTLY.

  6. So much goodness in this post! Congrats on finally getting your permanent position all figured out and HOORAY for it almost being time to go home to Germany. I can understand how it doesn’t feel like a true vacation, but I hope it’s a good one still!

    1. Thank you… and yes, even though it’s not a real vacation, it’ll be fantastic!

  7. Congrats on the permanent job. And visiting family is never vacation even though its nice to see them.
    I am sure you’ll enjoy your time though.
    And since you’ve been asking I drink my coffee with oat-milk.
    Happy Easter to you

    1. Oh, oat milk – I gotta give that a try!

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