Hello March

It’s March! It’s my birthday month! 10 more work days before I go on vacation! I really am not complaining that it’s March. So many good things on the horizon.

+ My birthday falls on a Saturday this year and I love to have a whole birthday weekend! I have a spa appointment for Friday (to get pampered) with a little bit of shopping afterward, then I am hoping that J and I will do something fun on my actual birthday, and Sunday is to recuperate.

+ 10 more work days before I’ll be heading home for a couple of weeks at the end of the month. I’ll get to see my bff for a few days (girl time so overdue!) and then spend a week in South Tyrol skiing with my whole family. I cannot wait. 

+ There is a possibility that I might meet up with an old friend from College this month. That would be amazing. I haven’t seen her in like 15 years, I think. 

+ It’s finally baseball season again. Who’s excited? What’s your team? 

+ We got our tax return already. That was fast! (I didn’t expect it before the middle of the month!). I love getting things like taxes out of the way before the deadline. 

+ I have a bunch of books lined up that I am excited to read. I picked up my pace a bit again in February and cannot wait to add more books to my #60booksin2018 list.

+ I am looking forward to spring. Northern California weather has been pretty cold, rainy and windy lately, and we do need the precipitation (especially snow in the Sierra), but I am sure that spring will be here soon.

What’s are you excited about this month?

  1. Love your list, San, and happy birthday month!! Sounds like you have some great things on the horizon, skiing and bonding time with friends and family especially!!

    I’m very much looking forward to spring too. We’re in the path of a nor’easter that’s already wrecked havoc on our little street (and on one home in particular—tree fell right on top).

    Hope you have a great weekend, my sweet!

  2. You are on the ball! My hubby does our taxes on like April 10th hahaha! March… I am looking forward to SPRING BREAK!

  3. I haven’t finished my taxes yet but am PRAYING I don’t owe. I ALWAYS owe.

  4. I hope you have an awesome birthday month!

  5. I hope you get to see your old college friend, but yay for seeing your BFF and visiting your home this month. That’s awesome!!
    Also, Happy Birthday Month. That’s great you have it on a Saturday – better than a workday. hah


  6. Yeah for traveling to Germany. Can image how excited you are. I will wave across the Rhine when in Düsseldorf.
    And I envy you for the tax return. We just got our return for 2016. Don’t ask when we handed that in…
    So March here we come!

  7. Happy Birthday Month! I hope you celebrate all month long. I have so many books that I want to read, but am having a hard time deciding which one to choose.

  8. Your birthday plans sound great! I am excited for March because hopefully the weather will start warming up. I hope you have a great birthday month!

  9. I love birthday weekends too! Pre-birthday pampering is such fun!
    Sounds like March is a wonderful month for you – hope you enjoy every moment.

  10. I’m a little nervous my birthday month is coming up so quickly (it’s in April), I’m not ready for 33 lol! I just finished a really great book so I’m optimistic about my TBR this month though I decided to be reasonable and aim for 36 books this year instead of the usual 50 lol. We’ll see how it goes!

    Your March definitely sounds more exciting than mine so far however!

  11. Happy month of celebrating!! :) I’m so happy for you you’re going home and seeing family and friends. That’ll be so good for your soul. <3

    Thanks for the reminder – we have to file our taxes this week (or we want to at least). We’ll be spending our return on American dollars for Barbados in July. Woohooo! :)

    I’m very much looking forward to warmer weather.

    Cheers to a fab month hun! xoxo

  12. I hope you had an awesome birthday and were totally spoiled! It’s always nice when your birthday falls on a weekend. Mine has been early in the week the last several years which kind of sucks!

    And how exciting that you have a trip home this month, too. March is going to be awesome for you!

    March has been great for us as I’m no longer pregnant. Woo hoo! Caring for a newborn is definitely a huge adjustment but I will take it over being pregnant!!

  13. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Mine was Monday, but I was on vacation so I didn’t mind so much. I feel like every year I get a weekend birthday I have Army stuff to do.

    Also, yay for getting your taxes done early! I’ve become an absolute nut about it and like to get them done as soon as possible.

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