4: What I read in October

I read one measly book in October. I opted to prioritize my time and while reading was on the list, it didn’t make it to the top. When fall comes around, I tend to go into crafting mode. I get my knitting out and my crochet hook and my paper goods. Then there also was the end of baseball season.

The book that I did read though, was a good one. It came highly recommended by several people and I am glad I finally got the chance to read it. I have been on the waiting list for this book at the library for what feels like forever, and I would still be waiting for it if Kristen hadn’t sent the physical book to me. She has gotten it from someone else and I vowed to send it on to yet another person who hasn’t read it yet because it’s an important book to read. Whoever comments first, will get it, but you have to promise that you’ll send it on, too when you finish it.

This was the first physical book that I read in a while (and it might have hindered faster progress because I didn’t lug it around in my purse during the day and therefore didn’t have access the same way that I have to the books that I read via the digital library).

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (★★★★★)

You need to read this book. The story touches on the very current topic of police violence against people of color and is told from the perspective of 16-year old Starr Carter, who was in the car with her childhood friend Khalil, when they got pulled over by police and Khalil got fatally shot. Starr, who lives in a black neighboorhood ruled by gangs but goes to an almost-all-white school, struggles with coming to terms with her friend’s death and also telling the truth about what happened, not just to the police, but also to her own community. She experiences first hand the divide between black and white culture and the assumptions that are made and perpetuated about each other. Thomas’ writing is vivid and descriptive and very much underlines the fact that this is not a black-and-white issue (pun intended!), but a very complex problem that can only be solved by the willingness to listen to and really hear each other.

What was your favorite book this month? Leave a comment, and then add me on Goodreads to keep in touch.

  1. I need to read The Hate U Give!

    1. Do you have the book? Do you want me to send it to you?

  2. I’m so happy you enjoyed it!

    1. It was a great, well-written and important book!

  3. One book is better than none! And you are so far ahead of your reading goal…
    I haven’t heard about this book but I have to admit I tend to read more entertaining ones as I feel like the world is already so sad so I don’t feel like spending my reading time with tough topics too. I know this sounds a bit ignorant but right now it’s healthy for me… Therefore I read some fantasy this months.
    Happy day to you

    1. I understand – I tend to go for lighter books periodically too, because things just way heavy on my heart… but I also don’t want to miss out on the important writings.

  4. Wow this does sound like an important read. I am currently reading Hillary’s book What Happened and it is taking me a loooooong time because I really have to be in the mood to read it, you know? I will also admit I haven’t been prioritizing reading lately as there are a lot of other relaxing activities I enjoy in the fall- like cooking, doing puzzles, and I did start some crafts- I’m making Christmas ornaments!

    1. Oh yeah, I totally understand that you have to be in the mood for certain books… that’s when I tend to parallel-read books to balance it out ;)

  5. I have been wanting to read this, too, but I have so many books I own that I am trying to get through first. Hopefully I will get to this early in 2018! I have heard such great things about it and the topic is very timely.

    I read 7 books in October. My favorites were Al Franken’s memoir, Al Franken: Giant of the Senate, and This is How It Always Is. It totally makes sense that your reading declined this month so you can focus on other interests/hobbies. I read a lot since I had a vacation and a business trip (I read in the hotel in the evening so get extra reading done when traveling for work). Plus I have had to take it more easy due to all of my RA flares so I spent a lot of evenings reading on the couch.

    1. Oh yes, Al Franken’s new book… that is on my list, too.

  6. Easily the best book I read in 2017!

  7. This is such an amazing book! It was heartbreaking and relevant.

  8. Added to my to-read list!

    I think I only completely read one book in October, and that was for book club. We read Everything I Never Told You, which was so, so good.

    1. Oh I read Everything I never told you and loved it.
      You’ll enjoy The Hate U Give, too.

  9. YES. I read this in October, too, and it’s easily going to be my favorite of the year (and maybe all-time!)

    1. It was really good and so relevant!

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