Hello July

BAM. It’s July. Are you ready for this? Summer is here in full force and we’ve already battled the first heatwave a couple of weeks ago with temperatures up to 107°F/43°C. Ugh. Not my personal favorite, I hope the rest of the summer (mainly July and August) will be a little bit more pleasant.  I know, I realize where I live and that I can’t complain too much, but maybe a little?

Here’s what’s going on in July:

+ When this post goes up, I’ll be enjoying a long 4th of July weekend. I worked last Friday and took today off, so I could have an extra-long weekend (and a short work week!). It’s all about good planning, people!

+ This weekend started out with temperatures in the low 90’s and it’s supposed to stay this way for the next few days. I’ll take that!

+ Germany won the FIFA Confederations Cup against Chile yesterday. This is particularly noteworthy as they won this tournament mostly with young, up-coming new players (I assume partly in preparation for the World Cup next year). It was very exciting to watch! The Confederations Cup “is contested by the holders of each of the six (UEFA, CONMEBOL, CONCACAF, CAF, AFC, OFC) regional championships, along with the current FIFA World Cup holder [Germany] and the host nation [Russia], to bring the number of teams up to eight” (Wikipedia). 

+ I have two races on my calendar this month: I’ll run the Davis Moo-nlight Run again next weekend and then the SF half marathon (for the second time) later this month. Very exciting!

+ I need to get one of those triangle-sunshade canopies for our backyard patio (because we get quite a bit of sun there during the day, although in the late afternoon our backyard tree nicely shades our patio area as well), so we can sit out there more this summer!

What’s going on in your life in July?

  1. I can’t believe it’s July already either! We’re right in the middle of Winter here and it is soooo cold! 43 degrees does sound a bit full-on, but I take the heat over the cold any day ;)

  2. I also can not believe it’s July. The 4th always feels like the mid-point of summer for me because we were done with school around memorial day and went back in mid-August so the 4th was the mid-point when I was in school. Now i try to remind myself that summer is really just beginning!

    Complain away about 107 degree weather because that is HOT!! I mean, I complain/whine about our super cold weather in the winter even though I chose to live in a really cold area of the country! We’ve had weirdly cool weather lately so I am ready for some warmer weather – especially because my garden needs hot weather to grow! But with heat comes humidity – which I don’t love! But I guess I will take what I can get! July is going to be a bit of a blur for me as I’m spending 3 of the 5 weekends at the lake! It is fun to get so much time there but it also makes it hard to get anything done at home. But it will be worth it to get extra time with my family. Plus I’ll also be taking part of the last full week of July off as I’m going to the lake Wed-Sat so I can spend some time with my Chicago brother and his family when they are up there for a week.

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