I am back in Germany

this is so weird. I don’t know, traveling back and forth is really not my thing. Why can’t I have both at the same time? I must say that I feel somehow “out of place” in Germany right now (even though I don’t have a job or anything in the US either, but it has been my “home” for the last two years. Our apartment is there and most importantly Jon.

I didn’t sleep much last night hoping that I would be able to sleep on the plane, but that was wishful thinking – I closed my eyes for an hour at the most, although I was tired. I just can’t sleep on the plane anymore as I used to. I had an aisle seat, which is good, since I try to drink as much as possible to stay hydrated, but that means I have to go pee every 30 minutes. The drawback is that you can’t really rest your head anywhere and therefore I couldn’t sleep. I was sitting on the aisle seat in a row of three seats and I was almost lucky to get some more space, since the guy who had the window seat moved to another free aisle seat two rows behind me. Strangely enough, the person next to me in the middle seat had no intentions whatsoever to move to the free window seat and give us some space in the middle. I spent quite some time wondering why she didn’t this is what I came up with:

(a) She just loves sitting in the middle seat [mmh?… no.]

(b) She thought that she was not allowed to change places and therefore stayed in her seat [… highly unlikely].

(c) She hates window seats […really? who does?]


(d) She was mean and just didn’t want me to have some more space as well since she put all her stuff on the free seat next to her [that would be mean indeed].

You can pick… whatever it was, I didn’t bother to ask her and just sat through it.I got up at 7:30 a.m. yesterday morning to take a shower and pack the last few things. We left Sacramento around 10:15 a.m. and stopped at the Bakers Square in Davis to have breakfast. One last “Garden Skillet” before I go :) never get used to that. Never. Jon left at 1:30 p.m. because he wanted to get back to Sacramento and avoid the rush hour.I went through customs [real quick and simple this time] and had another hour to pass.I think I’ll join the mileage programs of all different airlines, since I’ve been flying with so many different airlines lately (or I should actually try to stick with one to earn as many miles as possible :))  today it was KLM – a dutch airline. I think I like it. The service was really good, we even got ice-cream as a snack  – gotta love that ;) When I got to Cologne at 5:15 p.m., I got my luggage right away (that is the good thing about these tiny “city hopper” fokker jets… there’s not much luggage to unload) and was surprised by my Dad, my Mom and my cousin Bastian who had come to pick me up. I had planned to take the train home, because there’s a direct connection from the airport to my town and it’s way faster than having someone drive out to the airport on a friday afternoon. It was really nice of them though to pick me up [I have to mention also by train], because it always feels kind of weird to arrive at the airport and not be welcomed by anyone. So, now I am home again and all I wanna do is sleep… I’ve been up for 31 hours. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

  1. Schoen, dass Du gut angekommen bist. :-)

  2. sweetie,
    i can so feel how you feel now. and surely sacramento became your home. but i am sure when everything turns out the way you two want then i am sure you will feel everywhere at home with jon. yes, i hated that feeling of those last hrs at the airport, too. even though the way to the airport. hated it all the time.
    gimme a call i wrote you an email. don’t wanna call you when you are busy or asleep.
    love ya.

  3. Ah sugarbunny, leaving home just sucks. Hours between connecting flights suck, too! I can only imagine that your seatneighbor had a crush on you. All your reasons don’t make sense ;-).
    It was nice of your family to pick you up! Hard enough to come back but coming back alone is really sad. So yay for your nice family!!
    I hope you slept well tonight and aren’t feeling too blue. I always think reverse culture shock is almost worse than the normal one.
    Big hug!!!!

  4. glad you made it home!!!! i am sorry you feel out of place…sniff. cant blame you! :-( i hope you can fly back real soon. by the way, i dont like the window seat, i always want to sit on the eisle, in case i have to pee, i dont wanna wake up people. hehe. miss ya! send you a big hug

  5. sweety, i know exactly about those last hours. even the last day always sucks i think. i usually start getting sad a few days before i have to go actually, but the time at the airport after checking in is certainly the worst! just because you have nothing to do but think about the upcoming goodbye :-( i’m SO sorry you had to go through this. who would have thought you’d have to again… you know i’m here for you and time. give me a call if you want. i’m online right now but a quick mail and i’ll log off to chat with you. no problem AT ALL! {v}

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