Hello March

How in the world it is March already escapes my comprehension, but March is my birthday month and if that isn’t a reason to be excited than I don’t know what is. By the way, March is a crazy birthday month in general! I think I know someone with a birthday on every single day of the month! Are you also a March baby by any chance?

We finally got a break in the rain (hallelujah) and we’ve been spoiled with bright blue skies and beautiful cherry blossoms in white and pink last week, although the last few days have been kind of chilly (I always know that it’s cold when my car ‘complains’ (which is to say, it makes a little ‘ping’ noise when the thermometer hits below 38F.  You know, to remind me that it’s cold, because I can’t tell from my freezing hands and toes.)

So, what’s going on this month?

+ I am excited to celebrate my birthday. I know that some people get weird about their birthdays the older they get, but I think every year that you get to celebrate your birthday is a gift! I am lucky that my birthday will fall on a Friday this year and I’ll have the day off, so I am looking forward to a nice birthday weekend!

+ I am was looking forward to some girl time with my friend Susi this last weekend. We hadn’t seen each other for a few months, I think. Sometimes it’s crazy how fast the weeks fly by. We had a nice, cozy evening with wine, ice-cream and lots of catching up, all while sitting in the dark with candle light (due to a power outage). It couldn’t have been more perfect.

+  I’ll be breaking in my new running shoes this month and I am so excited. The first run on Saturday was promising and new shoes (or workout clothing) are such motivation boosters, am I right?!

+  I’ve already run through my ‘first round’ of doing our taxes last month and it looks like they’re pretty straight-forward. I’ll go over it again this month and make sure that everything is correct, but I am pretty sure I’ll be ready to submit soon. Yay for getting them done early.

+ I have a few more books lined up that I am excited to read!

+ I am also planning to work on a few new items for my Etsy-shop.  We’ll see how that goes.

What’s going on with you in March?

  1. I can’t believe it’s March either! Time is a-flying! This is a really busy month for me as I have so many things going on related to the wedding (crafting weekend, marriage retreat weekend (required by the church), meeting w/ our event coordinator, first round of alterations, meeting with our mentor couple (required by the church), addressing invitations, etc) plus the other stuff of life like workouts and trying to see friends/family when we can squeeze it in. I’m just accepting that this is going to be a crazy time of our life and it helps that it’s busy for an exciting and fun reason! I just get a little anxious when I looked at my super full calendar!!

    Enjoy breaking in your new shoes! I love getting new shoes or workout clothes. I am due for a new pair of running shoes! I got a coupon from the local store so I need to use that sometime this month!

  2. I know a lot of people with March birthdays, come to think of it. Happy birthday month!

    We are moving at the end of the month and we’re also in the midst of finding a wedding venue, so things feel a little chaotic right now. I’m looking forward to getting a venue and date picked so I can get that weight off of my shoulders.

  3. I love birthdays and everything about them. So I totally get you! (Must be a German thing!)

    I started our taxes but I’m not sure whether we should opt for a CPA or not. We had on a couple years ago when we were both deployed and our taxable income was off but now with a kid, another home, school, and new investments, I feel like we could need additional input. We shall see!

    I have a 5k planned for this weekend which is about as exciting as it gets for me this month. Haha. Things are kind of slow and I’m liking it.

  4. Oh March…
    now thinking about it I do know quite a few people with a birthday. My grandpa just turned 92! And I just realize I’ve missed sending you some love.
    This march marks something new for me as I decided to try this solopreneur thing. So lots of things to figure out and get set up.
    Enjoy March!

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