Hello October.


I can’t believe it’s October. I know, everybody says that at the beginning of every month these days, “Oh, I can’t believe it’s … already!”, but honestly, isn’t it true though? I mean, we’re less than three months away from Christmas! I personally won’t complain, because I like fall and I like Christmas (as you know). But still, this year has just – once again – flown by, or so it seems.

This month started off for me with field work in the desert last week. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen one or the other pictures (see above) and let me tell you, they haven’t gotten the memo about fall in the desert yet! We were working in 100+F degrees and I don’t think I’ve had that much water in my entire life! It is nice though to get out of the office every once in a while and do some physical work in the outdoors.

The only thing that I am not so fond of are the critters that live in California (and I absolutely do realize that we have it good here compared to other parts of the country!). One of the spots that I had to go to, I was warned, might have rattlesnakes around and to be careful when I hike up the canyon. Oh well, I guess you can’t be a real geologist without getting outdoors every once in a while. I also must admit, in all the years that I lived here, I have not encountered any rattlesnakes (or bears or mountain lions for that matter) and while I am not keen on doing so, I can’t really complain when I have been quite lucky so far. I think I might have seen a black widow once in the past and last week, I think I did see a snake curled up in its hiding place between rocks, but as you can imagine, I stayed the hell away from it. So, I am still counting this as “no encounters yet”.

I was gone for 7 days and my weekend was cut a bit very short, but the rest of October should be a little bit more low-key and there is a four day weekend just around the corner. I know a lot of birthday boys and girls in October, but since most of them are family and not here, I don’t really get to attend any festivities (like my Mom’s awesome Italian themed birthday brunch last Saturday – meh!), but my favorite person’s – aka J’s –  birthday is coming up too and I am looking forward to celebrating with him.

I also hope that it will start feeling like fall soon. Temperatures have dropped here in Northern California significantly this week (I mean, it’s still hot, but not scorching hot! I’ll take it!) and I can’t wait for the first fall leaves, pumpkin patches, a visit to Apple Hill, and Halloween.

What’s happening in your world in October?

  1. The months have been flying by for me, too! I can’t believe we are in the final quarter of the year. It kind of makes me sad that time flies by so fast! October is going to be a jam-packed month for me as it started off with the marathon, then I have Julia Child night this Saturday and then i am gone the next two weekends for trips to Miami and Boston! Lots of fun stuff but the month is going to be exhausting (but a good exhausting!!). We’ve had beautiful fall weather here so I want to try to soak it up as much as I can as I know the temps will really cool off come November!

    Have a great month of October! And enjoy your upcoming 4 day weekend!!!

    1. Right? It makes me sad, too, sometimes that time flies so quickly! Nothing we can do about it though… but enjoy every minute!

  2. You haven’t had any encounters with Rattlesnakes, Mountain Lions etc. yet? Wow, I am surprised…..
    Even though we had a few rain days this week it’s supposed to be hot (triple digits) this coming weekend. No fall-feeling here …. But that’s ok, I choose beach over pumpkin patch anytime :)
    Hope your October is going to be terrific!

    1. I guess I was very lucky so far! :)

  3. I feel like October came quickly because September didn’t feel like fall. It felt like summer was extended, so it was surprising to turn the page on the calendar so soon! Erik’s birthday is in October, so we’ll have various celebrations with family and friends. Of course, I’m also indulging in everything pumpkin-flavored. It’s getting cooler over here and it’s so great!

    1. Yay for fall! Enjoy it to the fullest :)

  4. October really popped up this year. I mean, sweet mercy this year is flying by it’s crazy. I’m so ready for the cooler weather though, like now. So feel free to send some down okay? :)

    1. Not really cool here yet either, but I make sure to send you some cooler weather when it finally arrives! ;)

  5. My October is making Halloween costumes. ;)

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