Month: May 2015

Friday Facts

  This week was short but exhausting. I rarely ever feel stressed by my work, but it’s been an intense week. Conflicting data and trying to make sense of it all = head explosion. I usually love working with Excel (I am a nerd), but this week, my brain hurt....

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A few words about ePantry

I joined ePantry  about 3 months ago after I saw a recommendation on Kerri‘s blog and I can’t say that I regret my decision, in fact, I can’t say enough good things about this company. ePantry is a subscription service for environmentally friendly household goods and personal care items. They carry eco-friendly...

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Currently | May

running more miles than I ever thought I would be able to. appreciating (so much!) the quite moderate temperatures and evening breezes (it’s nice to not be in the triple digits in May already which is usually not uncommon). eating simple German dinners: fresh bread, cheese and cold cuts. enjoying my Real...

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Favorite Things: A – Z

Another one of those post ideas that I saw on someone else’s blog (Stephany’s) and saved in my draft folder a long while ago. It’s nice to be able to dig up some old drafts and finally use them. Tell me some of your favorites A-Z’s! A – Apples. They’re...

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May Link Love

  This is life-changing for runners. Did you know about the extra hole on your running shoes? What Baseball can teach you about life. Loved this!! 8 tips to inspire fitness in a busy schedule. 21 Incredibly Important Diagrams To Help You Get Through Life. Some of these are so helpful!...

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Awkward & Awesome

This is a regular feature post on my blog. See the archives here.   AWKWARD + It’s awkward when perfectly fine and functional apps + websites make design changes just because (I’m talking about you, Google). The latest offender: Instagram. Why oh why did you have to put the “like” and...

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I don’t know about you, but I am someone who always needs a mental ‘project’ at any given time. I focus a lot of mental energy on said projects and it often helps me stay focused and motivated – even during the most frustrating times. The only problem usually is...

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