Hello friends! This photo project is slowly, but surely coming to an end and there are only a few ‘Foto der Woche‘ – posts left. I am glad I made it this far and here’s what I was excited about this week. My Glücklichmacher #50:
Waves (taken December 14, 2014)
I spent a couple of days down in Southern California last weekend and the weather was so nice and for a moment, it didn’t really feel christmassy at all, but I didn’t really care, because I got to go to the beach and enjoy the beautiful view and the clouds and the surfers! It was a beautiful morning and I wish once again that I’d live closer to the ocean. One day maybe!
December 17, 2014 at 10:52 amThat looks so beautiful! The ocean is one of the things I miss the most about living on the east coast. We were a few hours away from the beach but it was still close enough to drive if I really needed to put my toes in the sand! I loved walking on the beach, even in the winter … There’s just something about those ocean swells!
December 18, 2014 at 6:17 amLOVE THIS!! Wait, you’re not going to do this anymore? :(