2012 in pictures: week 8

coffee // beautiful day in the neighborhood // Sunday breakfast //
Santa Cruz beach // us // sunset //
Highway 1 // my office // Jägerschnitzel

  1. I adore your weekly picture posts. :) What a great way to look back on the year!

  2. Gorgeous! I need to come out to California for a visit soon! It’d be nice to finally meet you.

  3. That sunset picture is gorgeous!

  4. Looks like a wonderful weekend :)

  5. I love “beautiful day in the neighborhood” looks like a great place to live! And your beach shots, so pretty!

    Hope you had a great weekend!
    Maegan :)

  6. Ich finde deine Bilder auch immer toll. Wie machst du das? Benutzt du dafuer ein Fotoprogramm?

  7. Sunday breakfast looks amazing. I’m a big fan of the giant cup of tea + crusty bread + delectable jams. It’s the best sort of breakfast.

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