Goodbye November, hello December

Cologne Christmas Market

{source: my flickr}

Wow, November flew by in the blink of an eye, didn’t it? And with it, NaBloPoMo came to an end as well. I am always amazed how fast the month goes by and how (relatively) easy it is to blog 30 days in a row. I am glad though that I am not trying to keep this up during the rest of the year. That would be just a little bit too much.

If you participated in NaBloPoMo and made it through, congratulations! If you didn’t quite make it, kudos for trying!

How it is December already really is a mystery to me, but since December is pretty much my favorite month of the year, I just try to embrace that it is here and focus on enjoying the crap out of it. I always look forward to this time of year with anticipation and fondness, because I simply love the holiday season… although we won’t be going to Germany for the holidays this time, which I am still kind of in denial about.

If you ask me what I like best about the holiday season, my standard answer would be everything!!! But if you keep poking further, you’d find out that, yes, I love the tree and lights and decorations and Christmas music and Christmas movies and tea and cookies and Christmas-flavored coffee and also gift-giving, although I realize that Christmas really is not about the gifts and it shouldn’t be and people are spending way to much money on things that they don’t need. BUT, I still love giving little gifts to people. It’s not about how big and expensive they are, but more about the thought behind them. And I love Christmas cards – writing them and getting them. Of course. But anyway, I digress. So what it really comes down to when you ask me about what I like best about the holiday season, its “spending time with the people I love most, my family”.

Well, the good news is: I will at least spend Christmas with J, so there is at least one person I love present… but I wish there were more. My parents, my sister, and especially my little munchkins. They make Christmas extra special.

I’ll also miss out on the German Christmas market (in Cologne!) and that in itself is a huge bummer. I just love the atmosphere, the lights, the good food and Glühwein + hot chocolate. It’s just part of the whole fun.

But I am not going to keep moping about what I am going to miss out on (because I know that we’ll be staying here for good reasons this year), but focus on making this Christmas as wonderful and unforgettable as possible. I decorated our apartment this weekend (since yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent and that marks the start of the holiday season for me!) and we even got a little tree, something that we have foregone in previous years when we were traveling over the holidays, and I have even been thinking about a few other things to get us into the Christmas spirit. J and I decided we’re going to see ‘The Nutcracker’ in a few weeks and I am so excited. I haven’t seen it since I was a kid!

It will be fine. We’ll do some fun stuff here in California during the next few weeks, make it a nice, low-key holiday season (not having to travel during the holiday season might be not a bad thing after all!) and then we’ll skype with my family on Christmas Eve (and thanks to this awesome technology, it’ll almost feel like we’re there with them) and just make the best of it. I just need to keep telling myself that. It’s all about the attitude! (I am awesome at self-pep-talks, can you tell?)

What are you looking forward to this holiday season? What are your plans for the next few weeks? Oh, and while we’re at it, tell me what is your favorite Christmas movie? (I am planning to do some extra Christmas-movie-binge-watching this year! ).

  1. I am so looking forward to soaking up every bit of the holiday season! I will be finished with the school term in 3 days and after that I get to focus on personal projects, preparing for the holidays, and simply enjoying my time. It’s going to be a great month.

  2. Oh ya I wanna hear about Christmas movies too. I like Serendipity it’s somehow Christmas for me. But also love actually and gebrüder weihnachtsmann (don’t know the English title) if I think of more I’ll be back.
    I can understand how lonely it must be for you this year but I am sure you’ll be celebrating with your family no matter the distance. I actually would love to have a twosome Christmas but as long as I have the chance to celebrate it with my grandpa I will do so.

  3. You are more than likely my complete opposite when it comes to December! I’m not a fan (as you know) and would like to fast forward past the holidays. But I hear you on not being able to be with family. That’s really what it comes down to. I promise it’ll be ok though. You’ve got J and technology now is AMAZING. Helps connect us in so many different ways. Plus you are going to be at home and don’t have to deal with travel chaos.

    However, I will say I love mulling spices! I’m sure you’re already on this, but just in case, you can find some yummy mulling spices at Whole Foods. I love, love making mulled wine every winter. It’s DELICIOUS.

    My most favorite Christmas movie is Scrooged with Bill Murray. It’s hilarious. (Or at least I think so.) I also love White Christmas which is a very old movie. Oh and Elf. Also Die Hard (the first one). And lastly A Christmas Story (although I know not everyone likes that one).

    I clearly have some weird movie tastes.

  4. My favorite Christmas movie is The Holiday. :)

  5. My favorite Christmas movie was LOVE ACTUALLY until we watched Rise of the Guardians. That is going to be our traditonal Christmas movie.
    Happy “Adventszeit” :)

  6. We’re not going home this year, either. Wah. So I feel ya. We’ll be each other’s support group :)

  7. I can’t believe it’s December already either! I’m looking forward to spending time with my husband and kids. I haven’t been “home” for Christmas in nine years now … I still miss my parents and sisters during the holidays, but we call, Skype, and FaceTime, so it’s not so bad. It’s not really a “Christmas” movie, but we always watch “The Sound of Music” at Christmastime. I’m more into the kid Christmas movies – Christopher the Christmas Tree, The Teddy Bears Who Saved Christmas, The Grinch, Rudolph, etc. It doesn’t feel like Christmas until I’ve seen all of those!

  8. I totally adore the Christmas season! My favorite Christmas movie is the original cartoon Grinch movie – the bonus is that it’s only a half-hour long. After that, I really love Home Alone and Love Actually. And Polar Express. (Okay, I like a LOT of Christmas movies, I can’t really pick a favorite!)

  9. I loved reading all your posts during November. Thanks for continuing to share bits and pieces of your life!

    I’m trying to make the very best out of my first Christmas away from home. We are doing a 25 Days of Christmas movies/TV shows which we kicked off with a Christmas Seinfeld episode last night.

  10. One day I will visit a Christmas market in Germany! It seems like I read about them every year and say “Someday…”
    Sorry you won’t be able to be with your family this year for Christmas. We are switching things up and spending Christmas with my in-laws, which I’m not all that excited about, but I’m just trying to stay positive about it and enjoy the season as it comes, not putting unreasonable expectations on it.

  11. I love way too many holiday movies. Some favorites: The Santa Clause, Elf, The Polar Express, A Boyfriend for Christmas (silly Hallmark movie that I adore!), Christmas Vacation, and The Holiday.

  12. Aw I hope you and J get to do all sorts of fun Christmas things since you won’t get to go to Germany. And really, I love the trees and lights too, it’s just so pretty and peaceful. Also, nonstop Christmas music. Yes, please and thank you.

  13. I’m looking forward to going to Oregon and seeing my parents! I haven’t seen my dad since August 2013 and my mom since March of this year. And I haven’t been to Oregon in over 2 years! Loooong time. For holiday movies, the season is not complete without watching The Muppet Christmas Carol. It is my absolute favorite!

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