Photo of the week: Flow

Foto der Woche

Hi friends, here’s my  ‘Foto der Woche‘, my  Glücklichmacher #37:


Flow (taken September 14, 2014)

I picked up two issues of Flow magazine when I was in Germany and last weekend I got to spend some quiet time on the couch and dive into them. I love this magazine. Have you heard about it?

  1. I have issue #2&3 but didn’t get to pick up #4 yet. It’s quite a unique magazine. Haven’t seen anything like it with all the goodies. But do you know “Handmade Kultur”? I like that one too.
    Have a great day, Tobia

  2. I’ve never heard of it! Is it a magazine unique to Germany?

    1. Hey Marie, it originated in the Netherlands and just came to Germany this year. So I guess it’s not (yet) in the US.
      Cheers, Tobia

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