On our way


I took this picture of our state capitol yesterday. It was such a gorgeous, sunny day!

We’ll be on our way to Germany today and I just wanted to check in one more time and wish you all a wonderful holiday season. I have a few posts scheduled for the next two weeks, but other than that, I think it will be pretty quiet around here, because I’ll be busy soaking up every last minute of precious time with family and friends.

As always, I’ll be trying to update a few times “from the road”, but don’t be too surprised if I don’t. Regular posting will resume after January, 6 at the latest!

I hope you all enjoy the rest of the holiday season! It’s such a special time of the year and I hope it’ll be extra-special for all you lovely people!!

  1. Happy Holidays! Hope you have a wonderful time in Germany!

  2. Have a lovely time with your family San. Will be thinking of you :) xx

  3. I hope you have just the BEST time with your family. Enjoy every minute! :)

  4. hope you have a wonderful time at home! happy holidays San! xo

  5. I know that by now you are home and enjoying the time with your family and friends! I hope that the time goes SUPER SLOW for you! Enjoy every minute!!!

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