7: Awkward & Awesome


This is a regular feature post on my blog. See the archives here.


  • Not really knowing what the status of my employment is going to be at the end of the month and subsequently dealing with the lowest motivation I’ve ever experienced.
  • Daylight Saving Time ended last weekend. For the most part, I am happy with the “falling back” in the fall and getting an extra hour of sleep. I don’t have any kids or pets, who don’t really care what time it is on the clock and are now up an hour earlier than usual (so sorry, parents out there!), but for me it is what it is: an extra hour of sleep. Do not like how early it gets dark in the evenings though. Soon enough, I’ll leave the house in the dark and come home in the dark, which is always a little bit depressing.
  • Misunderstandings. Always awkward.



  • Being part of Kyla’s ‘Create Freedom in your Online Work’ course is one of the most awesome things I have going on right now! I’ll probably be talking about this in a separate post sometime, but I need you to know that Kyla’s first e-course is simply amazing!
  • Fall, blue skies, colorful leaves. This view up there from my office. As much as I dreaded the move to the new building, this view is truly awesome.
  • I’m really excited about the 4-day weekend coming up.
  • I’m getting back into my evening tea drinking routine and I am so excited for sipping cups after cups of tea while reading or knitting in the next few weeks.
  • The Holiday season is upon us = my favorite time of the year! I am bringing out the candles, string of lights and fall decorations this weekend. No worries, I’ll hold off with the Christmas decorations for now. I promise.
  • Semolina Porridge for breakfast. A little something warm with fresh fruit in the morning is so soothing.
  • Always meeting new lovely people on the Internet. It seems like the Internet has a limitless supply. It’s awesome, but also intimidating. How can I make all these great people  fit into my life?
  1. Yay for beautiful Sacramento fall weather and the holiday season!

    I was going to comment on how lucky you are to have a four day weekend, but then I remembered I’m unemployed. :P

  2. seriously i’ve met so many of my favorite people on the internet, it’s quite superb.

    & hurray the holidays! i’m just so excited.

  3. We had about a week of beautiful fall colours, then the snow came. Oh, how I love Canada :) I’m in the Create Freedom course too and I LOVE it – I’m learning so much! What kinds of tea do you like? I’ve never been a huge tea drinker but I’m trying to get into it – I think it might make me feel like more of a grown up :)

  4. I still can’t get over how early it gets dark now. I feel like it’s bedtime when it’s dark, but it’s only 5pm. I miss the long days of summer, for sure, but I’m loving getting back into tea drinking and curling up under blankets.

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