12 changes: March review


Hey changers, are you still going strong on your monthly resolutions? Surprisingly, this whole “tackle one resolution a month”-thing is really working out well for me.
My March goal for 12 changes in 2012 project was to get back into a workout routine.

I am happy to report that my strategy of making it to the gym three times a week has been working (for the most part) with astoundingly few internal mental battles. I was expecting far more debating with my inner weaker self about why I really need to go to the gym even though I am tired and would much rather sit on the couch and eat ice-cream every night.

I set my workout schedule to Tuesdays or Wednesdays (after work), Fridays and Sundays and did manage to work out three times every week with the exception of my birthday weekend where I was out of town and one week where I didn’t make it to the gym in the evening after work due to – if you want me to be honest – laziness. (I know! Go ahead and judge me!)

I can’t tell you though how much better I feel, now that I have a regular workout schedule again. First of all, I don’t feel so guilty all the time (I know, it’s self-induced guilt, but it’s definitely a motivator, too) and there is definitely an increased level of energy associated with working out. Duh. As if I didn’t know that all along, but you know how the mind works:

just because you know something is good for you
doesn’t mean it’s always easy to implement.

The thing is this: I actually like working out. My problem is rather “making time and getting myself to the gym” than “doing the actual workout”. Once I am physically at the gym, everything is fine.
I also always tend to forget how good I feel after a workout. There really is some truth about workouts and endorphins and all this science talk, you know. As with so many other things, it all comes down to time management and setting priorities for me.

I think I will be on the “3x a week” schedule for a while. I really can’t see myself making it a daily thing (at least not right now), because there are so many other things I want to fit into my busy schedule, but I think 3x a week is a good start and who knows, maybe my body will soon start to crave the physical activity more and more. I’ll make appropriate changes as I see fit.


How did March go for you?
Did you achieve your goal or did you have trouble with following through?



Come join us over at 12 changes in 2012


  1. In a simple word…no. I spent most of March down right ill. At one point, I thought…Oh dear Lord, just take me now!

  2. I admit, it’s easy to say I want to change.. but the real thing is, it’s really hard to do it. It takes time to change.

  3. Good for you girl! I’m realizing that getting myself to the gym during school is nearly impossible and I need to find a workout routine I can implement from home. I can’t wait for summer in a few more weeks when I’ll freely be able to hit up the gym, because like you it’s GETTING to the gym- the actual work out? Love!

    Happy your March was so successful, can’t wait to see what April brings for you!

  4. I completely agree with that quote you have there! Why is that? Why is it that these changes that are GOOD for us, are so hard to implement in our lives? I guess it’s all a matter of establishing a habit. And that process can be so tough, because it’s something different & new we’re adding to our lives.

  5. Yay – so awesome you met your March goal!

  6. So glad to hear you did well on your March goal! My change was to reduce sugar, and while I had a few days where I slipped and had three or four different sugary snacks, for the most part I stuck to it. At the very least, I made myself more aware of eating sugar.

  7. *applause* Great job, you! :)! I would do the same thing with ballet growing up… I wouldn’t ever want to go, but once there I loved it! My attempt to get into a work out routine isn’t going so well. :(

  8. Hooray for meeting your march goal! You rock and I’m glad that you’re feeling better.

  9. I’m so happy for you that you achieved your March goal. I can’t wait to see what April brings for you. Just keep up the good work and i’m looking forward on your next post!

  10. Good job! 3x a week is great! It’s amazing how our mind works, how it doesn’t want to change even though it knows it should, and knows it will feel better afterward. Silly brain. But, once it becomes a habit, it’s a lot easier!

  11. Nice work! Getting back into a routine of working out can be tough … but I think they say it takes like 21 days to form a habit, so you have that habit formed now, which is great!

    March was a good month for me. I wanted to run more and ended up running 75 miles which I was happy with. I am shooting for 80 in April! And I got through a ton of CFA materials, and am a week ahead, which will give me more time to review!

  12. I fell off my workout wagon in March, mostly because of traveling and illness. April is a chance to get back on the wagon though.

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