Last week, a very interesting conversation ensued on Twitter (with those awesome ladies). A conversation about blogging, about connecting, what it means to comment and reach out, and what it feels like if the effort is a one-way street. I have A LOT of thoughts on this, to say the...
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The Capitol // sunrise // pink rhododendron // zucchini // hey you // looking down // sunset // my Erin Condren planner // coffee //
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She’s complaining again by Brittney (LaMidge). Love Brittney’s honesty about struggling where to fit in with the blog world. On worthiness by Stephany (Stephany writes). Great post about self-worth. 100 things I’ve learned about photography by Kisty ( Randomly found this and thought it was fun! Turning 30: 30 things every...
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Current Book(s): I’ve started “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green, it’s the #twookclub‘s book for May and I am reading it on my nook! I am also still parallel-reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin (which I have as a paperback, but also borrowed as an ebook from the...
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I think I mentioned before that I am sometimes a little slow to catch on. This is the case with book series, TV shows, sometimes bands (although back in the days, I tended to become obsessed with some bands way before they got super popular and subsequently lost the appeal...
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I usually do a lot of drafting/brain-storming on my lunch break or sometimes in between meetings and work processes. I jot down ideas, draft a post and then finish it up later. If you don’t hear from me for longer than a few days that usually means one of three...
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found a baseball // tacos // cut off // Ahoi // summer // nook // TJ’s // spaghetti // beautiful day
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I shared a room with my sister until I was ten. Then we had a room that was divided by shelves/wardrobes, so that we could still hear, but not see each other. (The life of a twin!) I have not read (or seen): Twilight and The Hunger Games. I also...
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Easter bread // Easter breakfast // memories // bed // flower // care package // friends // Winery // dog //
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5 things I know about getting people to comment on your blog by Jennifer (Always in wonder). Blog advice! Happy Easter by Corinna (Frau Haselmeyer). So cute! Easter egg art! Blogging is like any company by Ginger (Ramble Ramble). Awesome analogy! 10 best free fonts by Lesley (Lesley Myrick). If...
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