Happy Birthday, dear friend!

kim and san

{us in 2005 • one of my favorite pictures}

Today is my dear friend Kim‘s birthday again. It’s seem impossible that a whole year has gone by again… but the good thing is that this last year, Kim’s friendship has –  all over again – proven to be one of the important ones, one of the friendships every girl should have  and one that is irreplaceable in a “don’t-know-what- I’d-do-without-this-girl” kind of way.

The photo up there was one of the first ones taken of us together and it remains one of my favorites. It’s framed and hung up  in my apartment alongside some other photos, which remind me daily of the important people in my life. Even though we only see each other once a year on average that doesn’t change how close I feel to her in my heart.


Happy Birthday, Kim.

On your special day, I wish..

… that this day may be as wonderful as you are.

… that you wake up with a smile on your face.

… that you feel loved and appreciated by the people around you.

… that there is a birthday cake on the table.

… that you get many, many texts, tweets, emails and letters from people who are too
far away to come and hug you in person.

… that there are packages in your mailbox.

… that this new year is going to bring you more happiness than ever.

… that you know that I miss you, especially today, and
that you never forget how much your friendship means to me!

*  *   *


Go give this girl some love!


  1. aww, suesse. *snief* thank you so, so much! for this, for your friendship and everything. love you tons and miss you! xoxoxo

  2. aww ! soooo cute :-)

  3. Aw, this is such a wonderful post! You guys are so sweet and I am so glad to know you both! What a cute pic!
    Hugs xxx

  4. Just found your blog today and I enjoyed reading through some of your posts. What a great tribute to your friend. Isn’t it amazing what great friends can do for us? We are lucky to have these relationships in our lives.

    New follower :)


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