Things I Love Thursday

{Source: via San on Pinterest}

This week I am loving…

… all the awesome new blog posts that I came across this week (and that I will share with you tomorrow on Friday Link Love).

… early evening walks in the park (minus the mosquitoes, because they love me and out of 10 mosquito bites, I will get 10 and J will get none. So unfair!)

… having ceiling fans in every room of our new apartment. Holy goodness. I have no idea how we survived the hot summers at our old apartment with only a small air-conditioning unit in the living room. As much as I sometimes curse about how much they cool down our office in the summer (read: we work in a giant “refrigerator”), it’s nice to be in an air-conditioned building all day when the temperatures slowly creep up into the triple digits.

… mid-week movie nights!

… Vanilla Greek Yogurt with fresh strawberries.

… the sweet gray cat in our neighborhood that we recently befriended. I wish I could take her home.

… San Pellegrino Sparkling Lemonade. Delicious!

… the fact that my Mom and my great-aunt, who both had to go to the hospital this week, are doing ok. I really hate being so far away from home when stuff like that is going on, but luckily everything seems to be fine.


What are you loving this week?

  1. Fans are the best! I don’t know how I’d survive our humid springs and summers without that brilliant little invention.

    Random tidbit: I’ve been gettnig into eating greek yogurt too and have actually used the plain stuff in place of sour cream! It’s got almost the same conistency and is ten times better for you! Win!

  2. Sweetie – now you can get your own cat!!!!

  3. Glad to hear that they are both doing fine! I hate being that far away when things like that happen as well! And, since we have been here, a lot of those things have happened!
    Can’t wait for your post tomorrow!
    Hope you had a fab day!
    Hugs xxx

  4. I bet your new apartment is precious, can’t wait to see pics!

    And I’m really thirsty at this moment, so that Pellegrino sparkling stuff sounds amazing. I might run to the store and get it right now!

    Oh, and by the way, I love your Friday link love posts :)

  5. Greek Yogurt with Strawberrrriiesss!! Yumm! =) I am enjoying Raspberry smoothies almost every morning, I love summer.
    I’m happy your mum and great-aunt are doing well, I had to bring my mum to the hospital yesterday, fortunately she’s doing fine too. When someone’s ill and your distant you feel powerless, but your family knows that you love them, right? I amagine you text and call them a lot to get news. =)
    I am looking forward to read your Friday Links Love as always, haha.

  6. girl, you never told me about your mom & great aunt. i hope they’re okay!!! also, i’m still anxiously waiting for pix of the apartment. hope to see some by the time i get back from belgium! miss you tons!!! xoxo

  7. So sorry to hear about your mom and g’ma … glad, though, to hear they’re doing better. It is tough to be far from loved ones.

    I was loving that I was finally getting over this cold I’ve had for the last two weeks, but it came back with a vengeance last night, which puts a damper on my weekend. Might have to go back to the doctor’s next week … sigh.

  8. I am glad they are ok.
    I know what it feels like to be that far away! It hurts so bad! :(
    I love to read your blog.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Ceilings fans are the best! We’ve got central air, but I usually keep it set pretty high in the summer to save money and energy and without our ceiling fans, there’s no way I’d survive the summer!

  10. just come across your blog via zoe’s bite sized interviews ~ it’s really lovely and i;m now following you!
    i love vanilla greek yoghurt with strawberries too ~ love that it’s strawberry season right now!

  11. glad that your mom and great aunt are doing okay, it’s always hard being away from someone when stuff like t hat happens. also, movie nights are fabulous!

    as for making me happy, a dinner date with my husband tonight, a graduation party for my brother tomorrow and checking lots of things off my to-do lists this weekend.

  12. Ah, man. It must be so hard to be so far from family when things like that happen. I’m glad to hear they are ok, though!

    This week, I am loving that I have an interview on Monday. My first interview in something that is not sales! :)

  13. Gotta love ceiling fans…I don’t know what I’d do without them! :)

    I’m sorry to hear about your mom & great aunt. Hope all is well with them! <3

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