Avoiding Iceland

Just checking in with you real quick to let you know that I made it to Germany in one piece. It’s been three days and it’s been absolutely wonderful. As always, I am pretty much on-the-go all day, so I don’t know how much time I’ll find to write here, but I’ll sure try to update you as often as I can.

The trip started off last Thursday with an absolutely stunning view of Yosemite National Park when I was on my way from Sacramento to LA. I’ve never seen the Yosemite Valley that clearly from the plane. It was absolutely breath-taking and I was able to snap a quick picture with my cell phone (click on the picture to see notes).

Yosemite NP from the plane

Of course, just when I was oohing and aahing over the view, somebody collapsed in the aisle on the plane literally right next to my row. It was scary for a moment, before the man regained consciousness and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

The transatlantic flight was really uneventful. The seat next to me had remained empty, so that I had lots of space and was able to sleep for a few hours.
I will confess to my obsession with the flight information monitor here. Whenever I am not watching a movie, I am tracking our flight on the monitor. I was curious if we would take a detour from our usual route and sure enough; we made a long way round Iceland. We flew quite a distance further north, over the central part of Greenland (usually we just scrape the Southern tip of Greenland) and then over to Norway (usually we fly over the Northern part of England) before turning south. Well, I guess, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I made it to Munich on time and then onward to Düsseldorf without any problems. My suitcase was one of the first ones on the baggage conveyor belt and I was walking through the exit in no time.

It was so, so wonderful to see my parents, my aunt, my sister, Greta and Tom waiting for me! The highlight of the evening was when Greta loudly exclaimed ” Saaaahne” (my nickname) when she saw me. It was the first time she called me by my name.

I think, my heart melted a tiny bit.

  1. Awww, I can’t imagine how wonderful it must’ve felt to see everyone again :) Yikes about the plane scare – glad everyone was okay! And thank you for sharing that gorgeous photo and for the update, and also for your sweet words over at my blog today. You made my day :) Hope you’re having an amazing time!
    .-= Emily Jane´s last blog ..BLOGGING RANT: The Cost of Self-Promotion =-.

  2. Yay! I’m so glad you made it safely and are enjoying some great family time. (And that picture is beautiful! I’ve never been to Yosemite, but I want to go!)
    .-= Kerri Anne´s last blog ..Weekend Update, Sunny Seattle Edition =-.

  3. Glad you made it to Germany safely. You know, I love the flight monitor as well. I love seeing the route the plane takes. Haha.
    .-= Karen´s last blog ..The perfect summer job =-.

  4. sooooooooooooooooooo beyond jealous! I think my heart would melt 10 X over if my nephew even knew who I was. This last time in Utah…he didn’t even recognize me (saaad face), let alone know my name!

    I’m so glad you made it safe and are already enjoying every second!
    .-= Carolina´s last blog ..Determination =-.

  5. I am so happy you are back with your family. Have a wonderful vacation! Still no news about Anneliese, but I will let you know.
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..Einstein =-.

  6. Glad you made it to Germany – who cares about the detour when it’s for the safety ;)
    OMG – who cute must it be to hear your litte niece call you “Sahne”. I believe that your heart melted a little bit.
    Enjoy the time with your family!

  7. J is with you, right? Glad you made it safely home! Enjoy every minute!!!

  8. Ah, I am glad you made it safely. Actually they closed the Munich airport again on Sunday because of the Vulcan in Iceland. Monday they still had some problems but as far as I know they are running on time again today.
    Enjoy your time as much as you can!!!
    .-= Steffi´s last blog ..Protected: Update =-.

  9. see you tomorrow! yay! <3
    .-= kim´s last blog ..my beauty spring favorites =-.

  10. So glad you made it to Germany! Yay! how long are you gonna be here?? I was thinking about meeting you somewhere. Life is very busy right now but maybe we can work something out!? anyway, have a great time and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
    .-= Tinka´s last blog ..Update # 2 =-.

  11. I love being able to track where we are and what we’re flying over. It makes me feel so nerdy to watch, but I love it! Glad you had a safe trip!
    .-= terra´s last blog ..Crossing things off, getting ready & making adjustments =-.

  12. I LOOOOVE it when babies/children you love start recognizing and looking forward to seeing you, I know that must have been sweet, sweet, sweet.

    Did your husband not travel with you?

    I looove the Munich airport, so big and bright and airy.

    Hope the rest of your trip goes well.

  13. So glad to hear your travels went well! Enjoy this time with your family!!!

  14. I am glad you made it there safely!!
    .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..Insights and explanations. =-.

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