Things I love Thursday


This week I am loving…

… the fact that today is my last work day for 2010 and that there will be coffee and cookies in the break room later on for a little Christmas get together.

…  the anticipation of getting on a plane to Germany in less than 36 hours. Weeee!

… that I am going to be able to  spend precious time with my niece and nephew soon.

… the three days I got to spend in San Francisco, attending the American Geophysical Union Conference, having my name mentioned twice in my supervisor’s lecture about our work (yay!),  sipping hot chocolate and watching the ice skaters at Union Square, enjoying the Christmas decorations and really getting into the Christmas mood.

… the lovely Christmas Cards that I already received in the mail from Susi, Steffi, Maribeth, Sheryl, and a penfriend from Germany. Thank you, thank you, thank you, guys! I love Christmas mail!

… that I was able to manage to get all Christmas cards crafted and the ones for the US written and ready to be mailed out.

… the two great Christmas surprises that I have for J. He’s usually very hard to shop for, but this year, I had not only one, but two really great gift ideas! This usually never happens and I am so stoked!

… candles, blankets, hot tea and holiday movies. (Mmmh, that seems to be a reoccurring theme around this time of year!).

What are you loving this week?
(8 days until Christmas!)

  1. I love that I get to decorate our tree tomorrow and that we will get to spend the first Christmas with Simon with lots of quality time as a family!
    I love the snow, the candles and the fireplace, the blankets and hot tea!
    .-= Antje blogged this: BABY SWIMMING AND GREAT ADVENT WEEKEND =-.

  2. Have a safe trip and a wonderful Christmas with your family in Germany! I wish we could go too, but we’ll wait till Easter!
    .-= Antje blogged this: BABY SWIMMING AND GREAT ADVENT WEEKEND =-.

  3. Cookies at work are the best!

    Have a safe trip and a wonderful time with your family. :)
    .-= Vanessa blogged this: reverb10 Day 16- Friendship =-.

  4. i love that you’re flying to germany in a few hours. i just tried to get a hold of you but you might already be having cookies away from your desk :) i love that i will get to see you soon! :)
    .-= kim blogged this: things i love thursday =-.

  5. This week I’m loving the spirit of Christmas! I am so sad Christmas is coming up so soon, but also anticipating it so much as well! :)

    Have a great trip to Germany!

  6. Enjoy your trip to Germany!!
    .-= Lauren blogged this: Colorado- Pike’s Peak =-.

  7. Yay for vacation! Enjoy it!

  8. Ooooh I’m so excited for your trip!! It’s going to be so fabulous :) I can’t believe we have EIGHT DAYS!!
    .-= Emily Jane blogged this: Protected- The Stain on a Sea of Snow emilyjaneatlivedotca for password =-.

  9. Love this. The things I am loving? My girls in the morning – with static hair and holiday pajamas. The red cups at Starbucks. The burly men selling Christmas trees on Manhattan street corners. The sparkling white lights on our big tree. Reading the glittering words of fellow bloggy buds :)

  10. I hope you have a wonderful trip back to Germany and get your fill of family fun time over the holidays!
    .-= terra blogged this: reverb10 The Best Parts of You =-.

  11. SO glad you get to go home to Germany and have family time! I can’t wait for your recaps, I always love hearing about what you did and saw. Travel safely!

  12. I am loving your post this week! It just seems extra happy and I love the snow heart and pink mittens.

    I can just feel your happiness at going back home for Christmas and seeing your family and niece and nephew! I hope you’re having a great time!

    And I am glad that you got your card before you left!
    .-= Sheryl blogged this: One Year Ago Today =-.

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