Crafts: Cards

When I am not cross-stitching or crocheting, you can usually find me doing something with my stamps and paper. Paper has always been one of my favorite items to do crafts with. It pretty much leaves everything to your own imagination, because paper is versatile and so easily available in all shapes and colors.

I’ve made my own cards for as long as I can remember. Whenever there was a birthday or other occasion coming up in our family, my Mom would say: San, you make a card. You always have such nice ideas and it adds a nice personal touch to our gift.

So, San would make a card.

And that has somewhat stuck with me. One of my New Year’s resolutions last year was to not buy one single (overpriced) card at the store in 2010, but make every card by hand… and to my surprise, I was able to stick to this resolution. I didn’t exactly know how it was going to play out – if I was going to make one card at a time when an occasion came up, or if I would work up batches of cards in advance (to answer that question: I did both!), but it totally worked out. Here’s a little glimpse into my latest “batch creation” of cards:

Years ago, I also started creating menu cards for our Family Christmas Dinners. It’s become somewhat of a little tradition and even if I am not able to celebrate Christmas with my family back in Germany (like last year), I usually come up with a little something that my Mom can easily download and print out. There is always, always a little bit of my crafty goodness on our Christmas dinner table.

Having said that, it’s really high time for me to start rolling out the Christmas cards for this year. After all, it’s November already and Christmas will be here before we know it. The list of people that will get a Christmas card from me this year will probably be very long. After all, I am planning to do the Christmas Card Exchange here on my blog again. Stay tuned for the details.

  1. Those are really nice. Have you though of making them and selling them on Etsy? I’m sure you have – but I bet people would buy them in sets of ten or something!

  2. I love your cards and I proudly have your card hanging up on my inspiration board. :)
    .-= steph anne blogged this: Ghostly Greetings =-.

  3. You make the most beautiful cards, ever!

  4. They’re really beautiful. Which reminds me I have yet to write my first letters to my three new penpals (you being one of them). I had better do that soon.
    .-= Karen blogged this: Structure =-.

  5. Very lovely! My friends and I got together to make Christmas cards a few weeks ago. It was my first time and it was fun! I only made 6 cards though because I was sooo slow and they weren’t as nice as yours but I am very proud of them since it was my first time.
    .-= Impossibly Alice blogged this: Chocolate Zucchini Cake =-.

  6. I love these! Very simple & elegant.
    .-= Suburban Sweetheart blogged this: Little Monsters of the Come-Work-For-Us Variety =-.

  7. Simply lovely!!! And….. I cannot wait for your Christmas card exchange!!!!! I want to write cards this year (for the first time in… ahem… years) and am looking forward to sending you one! :)

    Okay, enough with the “!!!!”. Can you tell I am excited! ;)
    .-= Stefanie blogged this: Shaping up =-.

  8. Your cards are really nice. What a meaningful idea to make it possible for your Mom to download your card. I am happy to hear that you will have the Christmas Card exchange again this year. :)

  9. you know i love your cards. i’ve been lucky enough to even get a couple myself :)
    .-= kim blogged this: halloween weekend – boo! =-.

  10. Yay for card exchanges!! Your cards are just beautiful. Are they Stampin’ Up based? I’ve always wanted to start making cards but the supplies in catalogues are always so expensive :(
    .-= Emily Jane blogged this: Sick =-.

  11. Those are beautiful! I’ve made some cards in the past and I do enjoy both the process and the outcome, but these days I just buy them… I know, I know.
    .-= Jen blogged this: Hello NYC- remember me =-.

  12. Man girl! Love it! When do u have time for that though? Haha. Impressive! I already ordered our christmas cards and I already typed up my whole adress books so that I can print out the labels this year. :) I know it is less romantic or personal but we r sending out about 150 or so so I hope you will forgive me :) however, can’t wait to get one of your christmas cards and don’t forget my birthday is shortly after! Haha

  13. Those cards are absolutely lovely! I’ve been wanting to make Christmas cards — I used to scrapbook quite a bit when I actually had free time — but am a bit afraid of biting off more than I can chew this year!
    .-= Crystal @ Semi-Crunchy Mama blogged this: this moment =-.

  14. I love these cards! Handmade cards are so much more personal, it just means so much more to receive a handmade card than a store bought card. Plus you will never have to worry about someone else giving the same card! I really like all of these cards, especially the ‘Just a Note’ one! So sweet.
    .-= Holly blogged this: The first person to climb Mount Everest could not read =-.

  15. Hey, I have one of those cards on my desk right now! They’re all so lovely, and you really ARE talented! I used to make cards with my mom, too, but it became an expensive habit and we both kind of gave up on it (hopefully only temporarily).
    .-= Tabitha blogged this: 7- Blowout =-.

  16. You absolutely need an etsy store! You’re cards are beautiful!
    .-= terra blogged this: Five Points Tasks I’d Like to Outsource =-.

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