I am leaving for my trip in three days

Do you want to know something? I am getting really giddy with excitement!
I know, I have a couple of things to do before getting on the plane on Sunday morning. Isn’t it strange that at first you feel like you have all the time in the world and then, all of a sudden, time speeds up and you feel kind of rushed at the end? It’s like that every single time, but I am pretty sure I will get everything done; I always do.

I am really looking forward to both parts of the trip, the workshop next week and the visit with my family after that. The hotel in Huntsville, Alabama, where the software workshop will be taking place, is really nice and I plan to pamper myself a little bit while there (I’ll update – no worries!).
There will be a cook-to-order breakfast every morning (I like when hotels include this in their nightly rate!) and we’ll be served coffee, refreshments and lunch during the day. Dinner everyone has to get for themselves, but that’s fine because I get per Diem and will most likely not need all of it for dinner (which means some extra pocket money!).
I am also kind of excited about seeing a part of the country – the South – that I have not yet explored at all. The hotel is located in the downtown area and I am hoping to be able to explore the city a little bit with my camera, in the late afternoon when the training is done.

Next Friday, I’ll be heading on to Germany then. I’ve realized in the last couple of weeks that I am in desperate need of a vacation. I can usually tell when it’s time for some time off , when I start getting anxious at work. I still love what I do, but I notice more and more how I yearn for the weekends in a more-than-usual-kind-of-way.
I’d like to think that I find it particularly hard to work extended periods of time without any substantial breaks, because I can’t enjoy the occasional weekend with my family and friends. They’re all much too far away, so on top of feeling overworked at some point, my battery is obviously also low on family time. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to seeing everyone.

Tomorrow, I have an appointment at the hair salon and will run my last errands. I am already contemplating of not taking any clothes, besides what I need at the workshop, and just borrow from my sister while I am in Germany. It’s so nice to be able to do that (we basically can wear the same size) and it would make packing so much easier :)
But no, I know myself, I won’t completely rely on that (although she might have to lend me a jacket – depending on the weather in Germany. Since I moved to California,  I am really not prepared for real fall temperatures anymore, clothes-wise.)

I’ll update when I can.
So long.

  1. Have a great time, enjoy yourself and recharge those batteries!

  2. Have a wonderful time!!!

  3. I guess you’ll have to borrow a jacket from your sis ;( But who cares? Enjoy your trip!

  4. Yay for vacations! Have fun in Alabama and Germany!

  5. yeah enjoy sweets and have lots lots of fun! will miss ya!

  6. enjoy your trip !!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Have a wonderfull time!!! Enjoy your time with your sister.

  8. Hey San,
    Have a wonderful time and say hello to Germany for me.I miss my homecounty and have to wait til next year to go back home.
    Gruesse aus Texas,

  9. Fun!!! Have a great time!

  10. Enjoy your time at the work shop and of course you time home with your family!!

  11. I’m so excited for your trip! It’s weird to think you will suddenly be a LOT closer to me this week — Huntsville is about a 6 or so hour drive from me. You should see if you can use your leftover per diem to come up and see me. ;)

    And then Germany! I can’t wait to hear stories and see pictures!

  12. have fun at the workshop and i will see you in eight days!!! xoxo HDGDL

  13. i hope u had a good trip to alabama and you enjoy the workshop and the hotel of course. hope our breakfast will take place. looking forward to it.


  14. Have fun!

    I’d love to hear your assessment of Huntsville as well – my cousin and her husband recently moved down there and seem to be having quite a bit of fun so far.
    .-= Terra´s last blog ..Ten things, because I have to, and because I’ve got nothing else =-.

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