A Day in Pictures

 I saw this over at Ulli‘s and Kim‘s blog and decided to try it myself… a random day of my life in pictures!

5:40 a.m. I woke up to a beautiful summer sky.

Morning view from my bed

5:45 a.m. Time to take a shower…

Time for a shower

… and get ready. Love my “bare minerals”.

Getting ready

6:20 a.m. Quickly preparing some breakfast.  I don’t really feel like eating anything at 6:30 a.m.  – but I love me some German whole grain bread (similar to Pumpernickel) later in the morning :)

Fixing my breakfast

7:00 a.m. When I get to work, the first thing I need is my key card… or I won’t get into the building.

Getting to the office

Good morning work computer! (Do you envy me for that screen? ;))

Morning Work computer

First things first: Coffee!

Coffee first!

1:30 p.m. When my tummy starts to rumble the second time, I know it’s time for lunch!

It's lunchtime!

Mmmh, some yummy leftover pasta with spinach and shrimp from last night!

Leftovers from last night

And also: Drink your water, girl!

Yes, drink your water!

The day is dragging along… is it 5:30 p.m. yet?

Is it 5:30 p.m. yet?

5:35 p.m. Finally out of the office. The sky is still beautiful!

Beautiful late afternoon sky

5:48 p.m. Quick stop at the supermarket for some dinner items.

Stop at the Supermarket

6:11 p.m. Most important part of the day: Checking the mailbox! – but there was only junk  :(

Getting the mail

6: 53 p.m. Chopping some veggies for our rice bowl dinner.

Chopping for dinner

7:34 p.m. Finally time to relax and watch… X-Files!

Evening entertainment

9:53 p.m. Trying to get in a couple of pages of reading before I go to sleep… Do you know Special Agent Pendergast? Anyone?

Bedtime reading

What!? 10:30 pm. already again?? Time to sleep!

Time to turn of the light

Good night everybody. Sleep tight!

Good night!

  1. this is soo much fun to watch!! love it!!!

  2. I love it. It gives us a little peek into your world!

  3. Hiya, wow this is a pretty cool post -will try that as well some day :o) PS. I have the same coffee mug from Orange County. Cheers from Ireland, Symone :)

  4. aw, i love this. we should do it more often because it’s so great to see you and “follow you” during the day. i miss you, babe! *smooches*

  5. marie: you should do it too sometime!

    maribeth : yes, it’s kinda cool, isn’t it?

    symone: thanks for stopping by! let me know when you do this!

    kim: we should indeed do this more often and share our daily lives like this :) miss you, too.

  6. So cute! I might do it sometime… but it wouldn’t be as interesting.

  7. That was really fun to read!

  8. das ist ja ne suesse idee! fuehle mich als wenn ich den tag mit dir verbracht habe! :) knutsch dich

  9. Hab es ja schon bei Kim und Ulli gesehen. Find es klasse!!!
    Werd es wohl auch mal versuchen, hab aber gerade Urlaub da ist der Tag wohl nicht so interessant. ;-)

  10. haha i love this post, so fun. and i love the picture at 5:35, it’s gorgeous.

  11. The best report from my day I have seen – ever ;-)

    Btw: Here from Maribeth – congrats with your award :-)

  12. I am passing along to you, with best wishes, the Brilliant Weblog Award. Details for this award and how you can also pass it along to your favorite blogs is on my site!

  13. Fun to read! Have to do that this week also. Love your pics.

  14. Aww that was so nice. I have so much catching up on everyone’s blogs to do. ahhhh!

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