Labor Day Weekend

Last weekend was Labor Day weekend, which means that we got the Monday off. See, this is what I like about US holidays. There aren’t as many, but at least they try to put the holidays not on a specific date, but on a certain day in the months [like the first Monday in September!] so that you almost always get a long weekend :)

For J and I that meant that we got an extra-long weekend! Yay!

We had a really lazy and relaxing Friday at home and then spent all Saturday at a rehearsal studio in LA and recorded some video footage. It’s exciting, but we probably have to do some editing before anything more goes online.

For Sunday, we had planned to drive up my in-laws’ old Saturn to Sacramento, so that I have a car up here to get around. We had initially planned to drive up Highway 101, but that idea quickly was abandoned when we couldn’t even get out of Ventura without getting stuck in traffic. We changed our minds and decided to take the boring – but ultimately quicker – Interstate 5 through the Central Valley. Apparently, everybody else had decided to go Highway 101, because there was hardly any traffic on I-5 and we made really good time.

We stopped at Ikea in the evening to look at a sofa bed for my room. I figured that buying a real bed would be way too expensive and also we could always use a sofa bed as a guest bed later on. I also wanted something big enough for two people to sleep on [for the weekends when J comes up to Sacramento]. So I had looked at this sofa which could very easily be converted into a bed. Jon liked it, too, and so we didn’t waver, but went ahead and bought it :) It looks like I’ll be able to post some picture soon.
We brought a few more things [like a painting and photos] from Ventura and slowly the room is coming together.

Not far from where I live, we could actually walk there!, we had some yummy dinner at Original Pete’s Pizza Pasta Grill and it was nice and warm and we sat outside until 10:30 p.m.

By the way, J instantly fell in love with Sofia when we got to the apartment. I mean, this tiny kitten is just too adorable. Monday morning we had coffee with Kari and her Dad, who had been visiting over the weekend, and later in the morning went walked! to “Café Bernardo” for some yummy breakfast. I just LOVE how everything is within walking distance from here. There is McKinley Park, a grocery store and tons of restaurants right near by, and yet the street that I live on is so damn quiet. You wouldn’t even know that you live in a big city. That’s Sacramento for you :)

J and I spent the rest of the day walking around Downtown, getting some drinks at the Hard Rock Café and checking out the “Gold Rush Days” Festival in Old Sacramento. They had put “dirt” on all the streets to make it look like in the past and there were cowboys walking around and carriages drawn by four horses. It was pretty cool :)

I took J to the airport in the evening, as he was going back to Southern California and then picked up Susi from the Amtrak station. She had decided to come and visit me for the night. Yay! We walked around Midtown, ended up also having some dinner at Original Pete’s Pizza Pasta Grill and just talked for the rest of the night. Apparently, we had to catch up quite a bit :)

  1. That surely sounds like a superb long weekend!!!

  2. Sounds like a nice long weekend!

  3. it sounds perfect.
    why don’t you guys live in sac any more again?
    it sounds like such a great place to live! :)

    PS: entwarnung! see you in a couple of months!

  4. That sounds like a wonderful weekend. :)
    Cannot wait for the pics of your room. :)

  5. IKEA has some great sofabeds!

    Yeah we need to get Jon back up to your town, what does he want in LA without you anyways?! ;-) You sound so happy up there sweetie! Yay!

    Good to hear about Susi, too, as I can’t read her blog anymore. :-/


  6. Kim and Sannas thoughts have struck my mind more than one time! Have a great weekend!

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