In which I complain without complaining ;)

Damn, the weekend went by fast. I didn’t expect that all, especially because I have a three-day-weekend now, but I still have to say that it did go fast anyways.

Thursday after work, I drove back to the airport, dropped of the rental car *pout* and checked in. It is SO convenient to fly domestic within the US when you don’t have to check in luggage. I really don’t know why they still expect you to be at the airport 90 minutes in advance if you can check in, go through security and get to the gate in like 10 minutes.
It didn’t bother me too much this time though, because I found out one more reason why I like Sacramento so much: Sacramento Airport hast complementary wireless Internet :)

I took a shuttle from Burbank and made it home shortly after midnight.

The weekend was kind of busy with running errands for and around the apartment. We still had to unpack some boxes, clean up, do laundry and do some shopping. I think we won’t be able to completely ban these tasks from our weekends, but at least, things will go a little smoother once we’ve figured out a routine.
We did find some time to go to the beach on Friday, I actually intended to go swimming and was all prepared in my bikini and with a big towel under my arm, but then decided otherwise when my big toe felt the water ;), had lunch with J’s Mom on Saturday and went Thriftstore-shopping with her afterwards.
I found two nice bargains, a skirt and a pair of jeans, for $8 total. Yay!

I also managed to take some pictures of our new place [click on the newest pictures in the apartment set]. Please excuse the messiness, but we’re still not quite moved in yet. It will just give you an idea of our new home :)

I got picked up at 5 p.m. to go the airport and I am back in Sacramento now, starting into a new week. Good night all!

  1. wow, i just missed you. my google reader updated two seconds after you posted but i still missed you on MSN. well, you should be in bed anyway :)

    i love what i see of the new place. can’t wait to see it “live” soon!


  2. Oh well, weekends just seem to fly by no matter what! Travelling still is quite time consuming even though the actual flight is very short. Here you need to be only 30 minutes early for domestic flights, wonder why it isn’t like that in the states. Your new place looks really nice, is it about the size of the old one? Have a great start into your week!

  3. Is this apartment smaller than the other one? Like it. Even messy ;-). Did you get my message? What do you think?

  4. kim… i am not much on MSN these days. just no time. but thanks for your email :)

    antje… thanks sweetie. I think our new place is a little smaller than our old one [less storage room for sure], but we got this big a** patio instead, so that’s good :) have a great week, too.

    susi… I think the apartment is slighty smaller, but I like it as well :) No, I didn’t get your message.

  5. NICE! love the pictures! so glad you found something so fast! burbank…ahhhh…i want to be there too!!! :) enjoy your week sweetie and thanks for your comments!! love ya

  6. Like the title of the post ;-)
    With all that commuting you’ll be a senator soon :)

  7. Love the new apartment. Soon enough I’ll be HOPEFULLY posting pictures of our new place too! Well, in a month or so.

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