Happy Birthday, Kim!

hanging out

My dear friend Kim turns 30 today.

The photo was taken the last time we saw each other in Germany back in October. I wanted to create a special photo with frame and embellishments for you, but since my notebook is not ‘available’ right now – this photo is all I could come up with.

Happy Birthday, hun!

You know I would love to go for some Starbucks with you right now ;)

I wish you all the best and a wonderful day and an awesome party with all your friends on Saturday. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you… but C is there to celebrate with you and that is the most important thing ;)

Thanks for being such a wonderful friend and for all your support in the last couple of months. It’s always good to talk to someone who ‘understands’ and it feels good that our relationship is mutual in this regard ;)

  1. i love you and i miss you TONS! big, fat *smooch* and thank you so much again for the call and the text message and the gift and most of all, for being such an amazing friend!

  2. Happy Birthday to Kim!!!! Note to the pic: I think that it is awesome that in German Starbuckses you get the choice of real mugs! Love it! :)

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