A new year… a new life.

I meant to update my blog for a couple of days, but for some reason I didn’t feel like writing a post, nor did I have anything to write about.

This is a weird start into the new year, isn’t it?!

I hope you all had a fabulous New Year’s Eve and I hope for a lot of love, happiness and laughter for 2007.

J and I had a quiet New Year’s Eve. We cooked some nice dinner, watched a movie and snuggled up on the couch. We didn’t even see fireworks, neither outside, nor on TV. It was just J and I when the clock hit midnight. I didn’t think that this was so bad to celebrate our first anniversary and to start off the new year ;)

One of the things I did to start this year is read a book that I had wanted to read again for a long time. “Momo” by Michael Ende. Some of you might not know this book, but you’ll remember the author from the very famous book “The Never-ending Story”. “Momo” is my second-favorite book of him and if you don’t know it, you should check it out. It’s a beautiful story with a very straightforward message. You’ll enjoy it.

A lot of things are lying ahead of me this year. The biggest thing is that I have to find a job. I am a little bid afraid and dread the job hunt, but I know that it must be done and I am going to be confident and persistent about it. I hope I’ll find something. No. I know I will. My biggest wish is to find a job at UCLA. I could practically walk to work, which would be simply awesome. I love the Campus atmosphere and have very much enjoyed working at a Campus environment in Sacramento, so it would be wonderful if I could make this happen again.

Wish me luck.

  1. I wish you a lot of luck and all the best for 2007!!!
    Even if things won’t work out like they should, never forget: everything happens for a reason. ;-)))

  2. happy new year, sweety and you know my fingers are crossed for the UCLA job. and so far the crossing seemed to work, didn’t it? but even if not that one, i’m sure you will find a job eventually. give it time. there’s always starbucks to work at and i think you get full benefits when you work for more than 20hrs/week… ;) *smoochie*

  3. Good luck sweetheart!

  4. Good luck getting that job on campus! Crossing my fingers for you!

    I really enjoyed The neverending story and also the Satanarchäolygenialkoholischer Wunschpunsch by him but for some reason Momo always scared me.. Hmmmm….

    Happy anniversary! :-*

  5. happy new year from me too!!

  6. happy new year! hi sweetie, sorry for scaring you. hehe. happy anniversary!! one year married, how fun! :-) i cant wait to see you guys, because like i promised we will meet this year!!! hugs and love

  7. I have no doubt you will find that job you will love! And what a wonderful way to start the new year, with your husband! Yay!

  8. Then I will wish upon a star that you find a job at UCLA!
    Good luck!

  9. Hi sweets, your website rocks hun! I know 2006 kinda slide by but I hope that I can be a better friend this year. Its amazing how much a baby will change your life!

    So I am gonna try updating a blog each week lol and even have a go at the SPF stuff but we will see – you know how awful I am at photos lol took me 6 mths to get in the hang of taking regular pics of sarah.

    Hope you got my xmas package :-) hugs to J!

    Here is my new blog address


    Anyone else feel free to pop by with words of encoragement cause I suck at regularly blogging!

  10. Happy New Year San!!!

    Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing Christmas.

    I totally know how you feel about finding a job. I’m not terribly confident about my prospects, but I need to find something!!

    I wish you tonnes of luck and a fantastic 2007!

  11. Happy New Year, San!!! Good luck finding a job!!! And good luck in everything else! I bet 2007 will be just as exciting as 2006 for you!

  12. Happy new year San! You will find a job very soon! I know it!!

    Welcome back Cathy! We missed you!!

  13. good luck to find a job and a wonderful new life in LA, cutie!

  14. I loved Momo, haven’t read it in forever, though. Maybe now would be a good time to re-read it again.
    I am crossing my fingers that you can find a job on the UCLA campus.

  15. ahh! you’re in L.A. now!?! excellent! Hope your transition ist sehr gut! (did I do that right?)

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