Ladies’ night

@ the Roonburg

Last night, I went out with my girls [aka my sister Nina, her friend Sonja and my friend Ira]. I really wanted to make this a fun night out and go party with them one more time.
We went to Cologne and had dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Yeah, I know, I’ll get plenty of really good Mexican food in Southern California, but this was a really cool place and we just felt like going there [also, because Sonja had never had Mexican food before… can you believe it?!]. The food was yummy and plentiful, so that we decided that we had to go somewhere and dance off the extra pounds afterwards. We ended up going to the “Roonburg” in Köln which is just around the corner from the Mexican restaurant. It’s a really nice club which is located in the basement vault of an old brewery building. I really liked the atmosphere a lot! I don’t know why, but the club was relatively empty last night. We didn’t really care though… we had some drinks, we danced and it was a lot of fun! I am going to miss that, being able to go out with my friends.

  1. You guys look great! They’ll all visit you in South Cal anyway. :) You’ll see them again before you know it.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun!

  3. Ay caramba! Looks like you girls had a blast! Good friends will stay friends and I’m sure you’ll find some more chicas to party with in Cali until your babes from here can come and visit.

  4. Sounds fun. That is a great picture of you girls! I am sure you will be able to go out party again sometime, even though it may be a while.

  5. Cute picture!! You guys look like you had a blast!

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