
Today I met with Ilka in Köln. We had a fun day, started off with some coffee at the nearest Starbucks. [There are 5 Starbucks coffee shops in Downtown Köln now – so we could easily have done some “coffee shop hopping”… well, we kind of did :)].

Ilka and I

We went shopping for a little bit, had a yummy lunch at 4 cani della citta and later we had more coffee at Starbucks again :) I also bought the Cologne Starbucks mug, one of the Starbucks CityMugs Collectibles as a souvenir to take to LA :) Very nice and BIG mug! It was a fun day [and thanks for distracting me, Ilka]!

Now I am getting ready for the “big day”. Tomorrow I am going to have my Green Card interview at the American Embassy in Frankfurt. I have to admit, that I am a little bit nervous. I don’t really know what is going to happen there and I can only hope that I will have all the documents they need and all the answers that they want.
We’ll leave pretty early, so I’ll go to bed now. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

  1. ahhh, it’s the chick with the cool glasses!!! Nice shot of you both. As for tomorrow, I wish you good luck!

  2. i’ll be thinking of you tomorrow! let me know what’s happening, okay? *smooches*

  3. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow, too! I wish you the best of luck! *Hugs*

  4. I love that picture of you and Ilka. And the restaurant you went to looks great!

    I’m sending you all sorts of good thoughts. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed too!

  5. Cute pic of you guys! Glad you had fun!
    My fingers are crossed as usual ;-) Everything will be just fine!

    Try to get some sleep tonight hun!

  6. Keine Sorge! :) Wird schon nicht so schlimmm sein. Ich hab das auch schon mal hinter mich bringen muessen for 6 Jahren, allerdings zu zweit….mein Eindruck war das die financial documents (joint bank account ect) recht wichtig war….aber jeder officer ist anders. :) Be yourself. :)

  7. i am keeping my fingers crossed for you! :) good luck!

  8. Good luck!!!!!!! I know you’ll come home with a big smile!!!

  9. Crossing my fingers right now but you’re probably already done and have your OK. Yay!!! I’m so excited for you! It’s taken a while, huh?

  10. hey sweetie,
    thanks for an awesome day yesterday. i really enjoyed spending some proper time with you in our fave city of all times ;-) happy you got the cologne mug;-) so i was nearly crying saying good bye to you yesterday when i went to my car. :-(((
    i really hope everything went smooth and all the worries you told me about yesterday are just blown away now because you were damn good prepared and they weren’t that bad.
    thinkin of you and my fingers are crossed.

  11. so, how was it? had my fingers crossed. hope you are ok!

  12. jau! die botschaft ist 5 minuten von mir zu fuss weg.. naja von mir zuhause aber ich werde ja bei der arbeit sein. sollte dir langweilig sein wenn du fertig bist sag bescheid dann können wir nen kaffee trinken gehen. ich wünsche dir alles erdenklich gute.. obwohl ich mir da keine sorgen mache, das hast du ja wohl in der tasche. freu mich sehr für dich. :-)

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