The nuisance continues…

So, I received another letter from the Deutsche Post [= German Postal Service = GPS] again on Saturday. This is going to be harder than I thought. They’re willing to pay me a compensation of € 35,40. Ha!


They call this a compensation? This is ridiculous. I am not willing to except this [although I have to admit that I read on the Internet that the regulations for certified letters say that a compensation will only be € 35,40 per piece.] What actually pisses me off a lot more is that they didn’t mention WHERE my letter got lost. The letter just says that my certified letter couldn’t be located neither within the German Postal Area nor in the US. WTF?

told me that “if you send something with a delivery confirmation and the postal service loses it (given it is the USPS) they have to replace the total value of what was lost and most of the time you get ‘reimbursed’ for whatever hardships they have caused you worrying about it”.

Have you found the article about this, Syl? In this case, it would be more than important to know if my letter got lost in Germany or in the US.
J still has to make sure that the people who sent the checks for our wedding cancel them as soon as possible. Hopefully the checks have not been cashed anywhere yet. I wouldn’t mind taking the € 40 [€ 35,40 compensation, plus reimbursement for the postage], but I really would like to know what happened to my letter since they should have been able to track it and tell me where it has last been seen.
This is not going to be the end of this… I think I am going to write them another letter of complaint, and maybe also give it to a newspaper or something. They’re f***ing with the wrong person!

  1. Oh San this is a pain!!
    I have been looking for the article but havent found it, but I’ll be on the lookout for it. It was one of the features on the AOL welcome screen so its a little tricky finding it.
    I will get back to you as soon as I have any info :-)

    I was also going to say, if the deutsche post wont refund you more than this amount, bring it to a newspaper!
    Just for the fact that they cant even tell you where it went…i think thats beyond ridicolous :-O

  2. also mit dem “bring it to a newspaper” waer ich vorsichtig.. denn wenn du nicht ganz klar und deutlich erwaehnst dass dies ein Einzelfall ist und keinesfalls der normalen arbeitsweise der deutschen post entspricht, dann kriegen sie dich wegen rufmord dran. ich bearbeite auch die beschwerden meiner kunden bei der arbeit und schreib denen das immer hehe :-) abgesehen davon.. ich bin der meinung es interessiert die post herzlich wenig wenn du sowas öffentlich machst. die haben so viel gewinn und so viele kunden.. fuer die macht das echt keinen unterschied. realistisch gesehen hast du da glaub ich keine chance mehr rauszuholen. es ist halt echt aergerlich, ich versteh das. scheissverein!

  3. Ouch, that really sucks!
    Do make sure the cheques get blocked asap to prevent any worse things from happening!
    And didn’t they tell you before that you would get the full value of the letter back?
    Unfortunately my experience with the post tells me that you have little chances to get out anything more that what their rules say. I got 50 DM once.
    *Hugs* and still hope that Sylvias article might be of help!

  4. what a pita. you and your having to deal with the post is getting ridiculous. fingers are crossed for things to work out. this is bull**it!

  5. Wow, that is really ridiculous considering how much the letter was worth. I hope you can get more money from them, considering the trouble they caused you.

  6. No more Sannie the nice girl… ;)
    That’s really shitty of them. This morning my boss was talking about how the Post has lost so many of his letters and things. Had to think of you ;-). Hope you can get a little more out of this!

  7. yeah right..thats crazy. oh boy, i hope you will get more money than that! what ya gonna buy for $40 euros? not much. so my fingers are crossed, hopefully the trouble will be worth it!!! love

  8. Yeah… from my understanding… the USPS is pretty fair about it all… in reimbursement and stuff. I can’t imagine why it’s so complicated over there… buuuut… that is Germany for ya! Hee hee. ;) No comment! Just kidding. :)

  9. Oh btw, Vox is looking for people that emmigrate for their TV show GoodBye Deutschland. Why don’t you apply? That way we can all see how you’re doing in CA! :-)

  10. What is the point of sending mail by registered mail? 34.50? Right.

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