OMG – this was fun! I went gown-shopping with my Mom and my sister on Friday. Nina picked us up at noon and we drove to Düsseldorf. First stop was “HONEYMOON“, a pretty exclusive bridal store. Ahm, yes, and we came without an appointment – big no no! :( [but how should I know – I am pretty new to that business ;)] The lady was pretty nice though and said we could stay.

I must admit, it was kind of weird to be in a bridals shop picking out a gown. When I tried on the first gown, it felt a little bit unnatural to wear it, but I quickly got used to the idea :) OMG, the gowns were soooo beautiful and it was so much fun to try them on. I didn’t really know what I would look like in a wedding gown [seriously, you don’t have any idea, until you actually wear one ;)], but I can say, the first dress I tried on was MY dress – you know, I pretty much knew right then that this was exactly what I was looking for :) HA! Since I hadn’t really been  in the wedding-mindset for a while, it was really amazing how all of a sudden, picking out a gown could get me all excited :) I tried three or more other dresses, but I didn’ t like them as much or they were pretty but totally NOT for me. I was told, I am a “classic bride” – there you go, plain elegance without much knickknack ;)
Well, have a guess – the dress I liked was of course the most expensive one: 1700 Euro! :( *gasp*
We decided to leave and go to another bridal store [which was not worth talking about] and then drove to Neuss. The lady at this store was really nice and I tried about 5 different dresses there and one was really (!) nice – a little different from the one I instantly fell in love with at the first store, but still very nice.

I was totally overwhelmed when I got home that night and believe me, although you think you’ll definitely remember the exact dresses that you looked at, it’s impossible. When you tried on so many dresses, it’s really hard to remember all the details. I spent the rest of the evening browsing the internet for more ideas regarding gowns, hair styles, invitations, etc. :) I am really getting into it!

Saturday morning, we had an appointment at one of the restaurants were looking at. It’s a really nice place (an old estate – I meant to say “Bauernhof/Gutshof”, but “farm” sounds pretty wrong in this case) which is part of an old town center with cobbled streets and an old archway. Really pretty :)

In the afternoon, Nina, my friend Ira and I went to another very big bridal store, CECILÉ, near Köln. Fortunately, we had called the day before and could get an appointment for Saturday. It was a really nice place with a little coffee lounge with free drinks and many bridal magazines :) We had some coffee while waiting for the saleslady that was going to help us. It was so exciting :) When she came to get us, she asked if I had an idea of what my wedding gown should look like already and I told her pretty accurately what I was looking for :) She found a dress for me, pretty similar to the one I had first tried on the day before, and Ira instantly loved it :) It looks like we all have the same taste in wedding gowns. I also tried a few more, different dresses which were all very beautiful, but in the end we all agreed on which one we liked best :)
Nina and Ira were so excited about it :) and I wish I wouldn’t have had to take it off again ;)

I am going to go back with my Mom this week and try on the three gowns again that I shortlisted and hopefully I’ll be able to make a decision then :)

Today my Mom and my sister went to another potential restaurant for the wedding and also had a look at the chapel in which we’re going to have the ceremony. Let me tell you – this is all sooo much fun, but also so exhausting! All I am thinking about is the wedding right now. I wake up having lots of thoughts and I am going to bed at night thinking about the things that happened during the day. If I am starting to bug you with all this wedding-talk, please let me know – I can “try” to cut back on it ;)

In the evening, we went out to a belated birthday dinner for my Granddad [his birthday was December, 30]. It was a really nice evening with yummy food :) I love family dinners – it’s always nice to get together and catch up, but now I need to go to bed. It’s pretty late. Good night!

  1. dress shopping always makes the ‘fun’ aspect of the wedding plans more real! how exciting!

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