Looks like I am on my way…

I am packing my suitcases, ladies. It’s pretty much final that I’ll be on the plane Friday and I am FLIPPING OUT :) I talked to a lady at the U.S. embassy in Frankfurt today and she basically said that it’s totally ok for me to fly on a tourist waiver as long as my petition is pending. Since I am going to get a return ticket before I go, there shouldn’t be any problem when I go through customs. I also got a reply from a girl on TAUSA who went to the US on a tourist waiver while her K1 petition was in progress and she said that she wasn’t asked any questions at all. So this makes me optimistic…

The best thing about all this: I am going to see and hug Cathy on Friday :) OMG! I had almost given up hope, but now it seems like it’s going to happen… we’ll meet each other in person after knowing each other for 13 years! This is so awesome! :) I don’t know quite yet when and where we’re going to meet, but I am sure we’ll figure something out!

After doing some chores around the house this morning, I went shopping for my great-aunt with my sister and then we had coffee and Apfelstrudel at her apartment [yes, you can say I am having a lot of coffee and pie lately :)] It was nice to spend the afternoon with her and I know that she always likes to have me and my sister around. When I came home I called the embassy and checked out some flights… if you’re looking for good flight deals, I can highly recommend the following website www.besttix.net I found round trips to SFO for under $500!!! This is an awesome deal!
I think I am going to make some dinner for myself and have a cup of tea. Have a nice evening everyone.

  1. Honey, great news! Good for you! :yes: Isn’t that awesome to pack your suitcases?? :heartbeat: ya!

  2. Oh my, aren’t you glad you had Dampfnudeln on Saturday? ;-)
    I cann’t believe you are leaving the country again! yay I guess??:wink: but I am of course happy for you!!! Germany will miss you though! I guess you might as well wait in the US and it’s easier to get a hold of Gerals I can imagine! I bet ya Jon is a happy camper too!?:p

  3. OMG OMG OMG That is sooooo fantastic sis :-) Sooooo excited :-) well you know best about where we can meet and stuff. I have no clue where anaheim is in relation to where you will be so I will leave it up to you to tell us where to be lolwe check out of the holiday inn in San Fran tomorrow to move to a hotel closer to the airport on WEdnesday afternoon since our flight to LA is at 7am  :rolleyes: so we will be at Anaheim by Thursday arvo.We are actually thinking of going to California adventure on Friday since I remember u saying u hadnt been to Disneyland yet and maybe you and Jon might come along on Saturday with us to Disneyland :-) Anyway let me know when and where…. sooooo excited :-)Love ya and cant wait to give ya a hug too\C.xooxo

  4. oh i am soo relieved (did i spell that right? lol) sooo good to hear! jon must be more than happy!!! soooo cool! i am happy for you!! i hope everthing will work out, but i am sure it will! love ya??:heartbeat:

  5. Haha yeah but at least people know how to spell your name. If people cannot spell my name I want to be unique at least. :p

  6. For how long are you going to stay in the States? You have to come back to get your new visa, right? I hope you have a good & safe flight home ;)How do you know Cathy? 13 years is a looong time!

  7. Both Cathy and you know I happy I am for you to meet finally!!!!! You´ll have the best time ever and I CAN´T WAIT TO SEE PHOTOS!!!!!!
    Love you tonz and tonz and tonz??:heartbeat:

  8. OMG I’M SO F*CKING HAPPY FOR YA!!! :fun: :spinning: :goodjob:so you’re gonna get to hug cathy and be back with “the man ;-)” and on top of it you’re gonna come back soon :-D to get your visa. see, everything’s gonna be okay in the end… hopefully for me that’ll come true soon as well :( :heartbeat: you tons and did i mention HOW HAPPY I AM FOR YOU??? :-D

  9. ?:goodjob: hon, i am so glad that that finally happened. even though i will miss you being around. but thank you for calling me straight ahead. and i am sorry that i wasn’t too talkative. but i was nearly falling asleep.??:eek: i am really glad you can spend some time with cathy?:spinning: and surely spend jon’s bday together. i am so happy for ya.

  10. Oh gosh, I cannot believe you will be leaving tomorrow!!!! Take me with you!
    ?:heartbeat:Save travels!

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