Month: August 2005

Where’s the sunshine?

I don’t really want to talk about the weather, because we all know what it’s like in Germany right now and I don’t feel any different about it than anybody else. I honestly enjoyed some rain when I first got here, but three weeks is definitely too much!The weekend was...

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Loriot rocks!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I personally think that Loriot is the best German comedian of all times :) and most of my relatives -e.g. my sister and my aunt- agree with me. Just imagine the following situation: My parents, my sister, my aunt and I are sitting...

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Happy Birthday!

First off, I would like to say… HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ILKA!!!!!!!!! You’re a wonderful person and I am very grateful for being your friend! And I hope you’ll always stay the same, cause there’s nothing about you I would change ;) I am very much looking forward to spending the weekend...

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