The weekend when I met (some of) the Xanga-girls

it was AWESOME! I can’t believe this weekend was finally there! Kim and I had decided to drive to Ilka’s on Friday already, so my Dad took me to Düsseldorf Friday night where I met Kim at her friend’s place. Kim had borrowed a car from her friend Michi and arranged a ride for another woman to Düsseldorf through an agency for arranged rides to save some money on gas. Very wise decision considering that gas is really expensive in Germany right now (€1,24/l)… that’s why we decided to drive together from Düsseldorf as well. When we arrived, Kim was waving at me from the window and when she came down, it was like seeing an old friend. No awkwardness, no nothing! ;) Really cool!
We hit the road at about 9:00 p.m. and had to make a quick stop in Cologne [Köln-Deutz] to drop off Kim’s sister Dana who was visiting a friend as well. It was raining like hell, but Kim and I had a good time talking on the way to Ilka’s.We got there at about 11 p.m. and it was sooooo good to see Ilka again. I hadn’t seen her in about 1,5 years. Couldn’t stop hugging her :) we made ourselves comfortable on the couch and then chatted until 4 a.m. … it was just awesome! Like it had always been that way.

We got up around 10:30 a.m. Saturday morning, had some breakfast and were finished just in time to open the door for Sanni in our pyjamas *lol* I don’t think it mattered to her since it was like meeting an old friend as well…so she wouldn’t mind seeing us in our pj’s without make up *lol* While Kim and I were getting dressed and were chatting with Sanni, Ilka picked up Ines at the trainstation.
Finally the Xanga-girls [the ones that could attend this lovely meeting ;)] were complete and we had a really fun afternoon. We laughed and chatted and had coffee & pie later. Yummy :)

Kim, Ilka, Sanni, Ines and I


At 7:30 p.m. the first guests came over, some of Ilka’s local friends… Kim mentioned that they all seemed to have the perfect hair color and the perfect hair cut *lmao* [which is no wonder having Ilka as their friend :)] and she was definitely very eager for Ilka to take care of her own hair color the next day [note: Kim, I don’t think anyone really thought your haircolor to be totally unbearable ;) but the new haircolor looks awesome!]
Some of Ilka’s friends had prepared a little flamenco performance and it was fun to watch! The buffet was marvellous, too. There were different kinds of antipasti, turkey breast and chicken, bread and desserts. Yummy! Because of the bad weather (it was pouring!), Ilka had the party downstairs in the salon and it was so funny when we were all sitting along the mirrors watching ourselves eat *lol* Kim took a very funny picture of this.

We partied until 2 a.m. and then we girls chatted upstairs again until 4 a.m… we just had a very good time! The next morning, we got up at 11 a.m, watched some SATC together [very funny :) and even Sanni thought it was funny in the original language – I have to admit that the dubbed version in German is just terrible! Bad translation and bad voices! ].
Then we had some breakfast together and afterwards Kim got her new look… blonde and honey highlights to brighten up her haircolor. Very pretty!

Sanni was so kind to give me a ride home. We left at 4 p.m. and it took us about 1,5 hours to get to my house.
I really had an awesome time with the girls and it was definitely hard to say good bye. Fortunately I will see -at least some of- you again soon! It felt like it had always been that way :) I really hope we’ll get the chance to get together again… although it seems to be kind of difficult, given the fact that I am planning to leave Germany again in about 5 weeks.
love you all girls!

P.S. Isn’t it amazing to see us ALL TOGETHER in these photos? *lol*

  1. NOTHING for me to add, sweety :heartbeat: i had SUCH A BLAST with you girls as well! can’t wait for the next time…

  2. not that i like myself on the first ones befor got dressed…?:wha: but i love the party pics hon and i want them…allllllllll…and i loved each and everyone of you being there with me…and being so helpful and so patient with me…..*being embarrest…..?:rolleyes:?:shysmile:love ya from the bottom of my heart

  3. oh uti… i wish you could have been there with us??:cry:?:heartbeat:

  4. That sounded like you girls had really an awesome time??:spinning: !!
    ?:jealous:??:nono:?:cry:?:cry:?:nono:?:jealous: Why does everybody live in west german?? Tss, the next time you should come over here!??:coolman:
    Sannie, are you still coming visiting me after this weekend :rolleyes: ??
    ?:love: and??:wave:

  5. ?:wave: hi sannie, can’t add anything, this weekend was great, it’s been so good meeting you girls.?i love those pics??:coolman: and??:yes: it’s amazing to see all of us on ONE picture??:lol:?:love:

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