Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone,

this is my last day at work for at least a week *yay* It’s been kind of busy around here lately and I am definitely ready for a break.
J and I are going down to Ventura over the holidays!

I hope everyone is going to have a wonderful Christmas with lots of presents and good food enjoy being with your family and get some rest.
I wish you all the best and a happy New Year!

Love, Sannie

  1. hey sweety, merry christmas again even though a little belated here. too bad i missed your call but hopefully we’ll make it while i’m still here. otherwise i’m gonna give you a call once i’m back in good ol’ germany. love ya, *kim

  2. hey. hope you had a good holiday! thanks for joining my blogring by the way.. (i love my jonathan) God bless.

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