F.I.G. Collective – Week 2

courtesy of Elisabeth

This is week 2 of Elisabeth’s F.I.G. Collective – Finding Joy in Gratitude where we will (be trying to) find something positive every day. And try I did.

February 8

I did my first run of 2025 in my neighborhood. I know, I am aware it’s already February. But between being sick and travel (and some rainy days), I didn’t get a chance to run here until now!

February 9

I baked sourdough bread again this morning. You know I have been doing it regularly on and off since the pandemic. Stress-baking was partly a coping mechanism during uncertain times and it feels very much like we’re back to that. So, baking this morning felt extra therapeutic.

February 10

I started my day with meditation, a 30-minute run in freezing temps but with some sunshine, but the best part of my day was my morning coffee. It was a Monday, what did you expect?

February 11

I had a really good talk with the center director of my agency today She’s my supervisor’s supervisor’s supervisor (just to give you a hierarchical context). I’d usually go to my direct supervisor with questions, but our director is German, like me, so I think we relate on a different level. She’s doing a really fantastic job navigating these unchartered waters that government agencies find themselves in right now and she couldn’t offer all the answers, but some reassurance.

February 12

I witnessed the owl mama feed her babies today. The last week, she hasn’t been in the nest much. The babies are already quite grown, so I had wondered if she had entirely abandoned them, but it turns out, she’s just spending time away from the nest to teach them “independence”. This morning, however, she came home with prey and served breakfast to the two babies. It was amazing to watch via our office “owl cam”.

February 13

I met up with my old gym buddy Wayne for coffee before work this morning. He’s the older gentleman that I befriended at the gym before the pandemic. We loosely kept in touch over the last few years, and even after he moved to Southern California a couple of years ago, he always reaches out when he visits Sacramento and we get together to catch up.

BONUS F.I.G.: With the help of a friendly IT guy at work, I figured out a computer-related problem today that has given me headaches for weeks and I felt just so elated to have finally found the solution.

February 14

I celebrated my Century Bike Bootcamp with Tanja and the #BCBabes1 today and I am forever thankful that the babes ‘adopted’ me into their group and got me into bootcamps. They’re so fun, especially when we all get to do them together.

BONUS F.I.G.: I went for a walk around the neighborhood and it was a great way to get some fresh air and clear my head. Moving my body always helps me sort through things (and there’s a lot to sort through right now).

How was your week? Was it hard to find F.I.G.s or where there plenty?

  1. aka Bootcamp Babes (a small “subgroup” of Peloton Streakers who started doing Bootcamp Classes (Bike + Strength) together) ↩︎


  1. This wasn’t my favourite week. I’d say it was easy to find FIGs, but even easier to find flies. It was a mixed bag!
    The kids have been sick, my husband was travelling for the better part of two weeks (including when the kids were at their sickest), and most of the days they weren’t home sick…it ended up being a snow day. And Monday is a holiday.
    That said, there were lots of wonderful moments throughout the week and I’m so glad I recorded them. It really did bring extra light into my days. And reading everyone’s FIGs literally makes me smile every single time.
    Baby owls! And I just love that you keep in touch with Wayne.

  2. It’s funny looking at it, but so much of my FIGs are either food or time spent outside. I mean, we all have to eat, and getting outside is so important to mental health, so I guess it makes sense. This was kind of a hard week for me to think of FIGs, though nothing horrible happened.

  3. Owls are amazing creatures. I am always so happy to see one!
    I bake bread but I have never tried sourdough – but I will soon, as I’m going to a “workshop” with friends! I’m excited to have my own little starter!

  4. I am glad you got a run in! Running has really been helping me this week.
    And I am so glad that chat with your Center Director made you feel reassured <3 We need that!

  5. Aw, those baby owls. So cute. Hooray for the IT guy figuring something out for you. My desktop is bursting at the seams with memory, I think. I really need to get a handle on that.

    This week was not my favorite, not the easiest to feel grateful. It was a little rough, but Coach and I went to a fundraiser at our old high school last night and that was a good time.

  6. glad you are back to running, and sorry that you were not able to due to sickness. that’s not fun at all.
    the baby owls look so cute! how lucky you got to see it.

  7. Owls! Baby owls! They’re wonderful FIGS!
    Stress baking is a good idea. But it’ll have to be baking that doesn’t require eggs.
    I’ve never tried making sourdough bread! I should do it!

  8. Those baby owls are adorable! I’m sitting next to taco while reading and commenting on blogs so I showed him the picture and he made the cutest sound when he saw them!

    I wasn’t feeling well this week and I was traveling so I had to really dig deep to find some figs this week.

  9. Oh my gosh the owls are so cool! Where are they and how did you get so close? That is awesome; I am always happy to see owls when I am out and about. I am pretty happy in general, but my one complaint is that is has been cold where I am and so my motivation for running is quite low! Once I get out, I am always glad I did, but lacing up the shoes has been hard. My FIG is that in one week I will be in a warmer place and I am looking forward to that and am okay with a little bit of down time until then. I totally understand your not getting out for a run yet; it happens!

  10. Yes, all the weeks seem a little tough right now. I’m very happy we have the FIG Collective to keep us on track! I like how yours includes running, walking, and baby owls- and now I’m craving sourdough bread.

  11. Seeing a musical on Broadway in NYC was one giant, sweet, and incredible FIG. It was a date, and we went to an after party. It was a very late night (for me), but filled with theater, nice clothes, dinner, and quality time with T.
    The rest of the week was so-so.

  12. I’m glad you were able to find some bright spots this week! The owls are just so cute. I imagine watching them has really lifted your spirits!

    It wasn’t too difficult to find FIGs this week and I am very grateful for that!

  13. Oh, wow, the owls are amazing. The photos make it seem like you are right there – how did you get those? Glad you were able to find some FIGs. I’m the only person, I think, not collecting them. :(

  14. Weeks are tough. World politics is a shit show. Or a comedy I can’t decide. But it’s dangerous.

    Glad you are finding FIGS. I forgot all about them…

  15. […] baby owls outside my office window. Seeing them grow has been a […]

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