18: Little everyday luxuries

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Do you ever think about the little things in your day-to-day life that make your day juuust a little better?

For me, some of those things are:

A hot cup of coffee in a pretty mug. Honestly, isn’t that the best thing in the morning? The thought of that first cup makes getting up early worthwhile! And I swear a nice mug elevates the experience! I also totally bribe myself with coffee to get my workout out of the way first.

Fresh bread + butter. Do I need to say more? I finally baked sourdough bread again last weekend – after a somewhat forced hiatus – and the first slice was so delicious.

My bed. We have a TempurPedic, which is over 10 years old now, and it still feels like a brand-new mattress. It’s one of the best purchases we’ve ever made.

Waking up without an alarm. I usually get up pretty early and call myself a “morning person”, but the truth is, I do not like the ‘getting up’ part that much. I am not one of the people that are “awake when they are awake”. I can easily fall back to sleep if you would just let me. So it’s definitely a little luxury to allow my body to wake up without an alarm whenever I can (which hasn’t been very often lately, but I did sleep in last Monday!).

A sweaty workout. I might not always feel like it, but I 100% feel so much better when I move my body, preferably in the morning. I feel so accomplished before I even start my work day.

An episode (or two) of Friends. If everything else fails, watching Friends will pick me up like nothing else. Always.

Reading. It’s so nice to escape into a good story and forget everything around you. I have to admit, the last few weeks were so busy that I didn’t pick up my book very often, but reading blog posts during NaBloPoMo counts, amirite?

Cooking a satisfying meal. I really look forward to our dinner in the evening, especially now that soup season is here. There’s nothing more comforting than a hot bowl of homecooked, nutritious, and delicious soup in the evening.

A nice pen. I usually jot things down during the day… on a notepad or in my planner. I enjoy writing not with just any pen, but my favorite pen (which currently is the Pentel R.S.V.P. Fine* ball point pen). Do you have a favorite pen?

What is one of your little everyday luxuries?

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2024Links to the Participants List and NaBloPoMo2024 Blog Post Ideas! Happy writing!

  1. Love all of these. Totally agreed that the hot drink tastes better out of a favourite mug.
    Our mattress is okay – not amazing. So that one I’m a bit jealous on.
    Little luxuries – a hot shower. Magic bags. A cozy blanket. Twinkle lights. The Great British Baking Show (my equivalent to Friends). A nice pen (yes, yes, and amen!). My planner. A water cooler so we always have ice-cold water. SUCH a wonderful luxury.
    I feel like I could go on and on. It’s a cold, drizzly day here in Eastern Canada, so this post was a bright spot in my morning :)

  2. Oooh a hot coffee, yes. I think about my coffee the moment I wake up, like “Oooh I get to have coffee.” I’m with you on everything but Friends. My little luxury – and I only do this once or twice a week – is an episode of NYPD Blue. My weekend luxury is wine! I don’t bake bread very often at all but now I’m thinking I will this weekend.

  3. That is a very good list San and I would agree with many of these. One of my everyday luxuries is sitting down with a warm cup of tea, lighting a candle and reading a book (all at the same time).

  4. What a fun list to read! I feel the same way about my Alani that you do about your cup of coffee. Such a nice little treat in the morning :)

  5. Well, I don’t drink coffee and I can’t eat bread, so your first couple are no-go’s for me, but I’m glad they worked for you. My eyes popped at your mention of your mattress. We NEED a new mattress. I’m embarrassed to admit how long we’ve had ours. (*runs off to draft a post about mattress shopping and queen vs king size beds). I appreciate the recommendation.

    Waking up before an alarm and later than I should wake up (on a day off, of course) is always the goal. I’ve started eating more normal things after following low FODMAP, so I’d say my Dannon Greek Cherry yogurt tops my list of a little thing that I so appreciate. A new baby started here this week and although he is really fussy, he naps well here (or he has yesterday and today), and that is a relief and having nap time to do as I please without dealing with a fussy baby feels like a luxury, as does eating leftovers. I made dinner twice this week and we still have lasagna leftovers in the fridge, so I’m grateful that I won’t have to make dinner much the rest of the week.

  6. Oh these are all so good. Maybe not the work out one. I hate hate hate being sweaty which makes it specially hard to do a work out.
    I am trying to stay of coffee so my first cup is not before lunch but today I did have one.

  7. Laying on the couch with the cat on my lap is not something I ever take for granted. It’s so relaxing and comforting! (I might be too attached to the cat for my own good.)

  8. I don’t have a mug collection but agree about the delight of a cup of coffee. I also love waking up without an alarm. It doesn’t happen very often as my children often wake me on the weekends and my alarm usually wakes me on a week day. But waking up on my own is a wonderful feeling. Other delights are freshly washed sheets, curling up with a good book, and the warmth of a fireplace!

  9. Oh yes, a nice pen is an everyday luxury. With a great pen and a little notebook, I’m a happy camper;)

  10. I love a cup of coffee in a nice mug. I love pens – my current favorite is a Pilot Acroball. Your list of little luxuries is lovely!

  11. There is NOTHING like those first few sips of coffee in the morning. It’s something I look forward to every day! Other little luxuries: hot bubble baths, afternoon naps, and rubbing my cat’s soft belly.

  12. I love my tea and my word games in the morning. It’s relaxing and helps me ease in. I wake up early on my own, the only time I set an alarm is if I have to get up really early for a flight or something. I also really enjoy candles, especially now that it is getting darker. Another everyday luxury I enjoy is my family doing a lot of the cooking. Due to schedules and so on, there were years when I ended up cooking almost every meal. Now I am down to 3 nights a week, and I try to make one of those leftovers. We do go out one night a week, so not all meals are homemade, but most are.

  13. I love all of these too except maybe Friends. I mean I liked friends when it came out but it’s not my go to comfort watch now. I hardly ever have hot drinks at home now, but it’s usually just in a glass or plain mug. I almost always wake up without an alarm. I prefer when that happens once it is properly light though.
    Other little luxuries: sparkling water (celebratory without the excess sugar etc), reading my book in the bath,

  14. I agree with almost all of these (I would rather have someone cook for me than have to cook, ha ha.) I DEFINITELY drink my tea out of special mug every single day (not the same mug- I rotate them.) Reading in bed at night is a huge luxury. And, I do have a favorite pen! The Pilot G-2 gel pens are what I use right now.

  15. Life is too short for bad pens! I literally have a regular practice of going through all the pens in the drawer and getting rid of the one that do not write well. I looove a good, smooth pen! I have had a purple pentel before- used for grading papers :)

  16. I like tea in a pretty mug, but I am bad about remembering that I can have it lol. I like doing the Wordle and Connections every day while sitting on the couch with Lucy. Showering and putting on comfy clothes and collapsing for a bit on the couch to rest my back after work. Going to bed early to read fifty pages or so of a few different books.

  17. Love these. For me, it’s hot showers, a hot rice bag, and getting into bed at the end of the day. Oh, and my afternoon treat of a square of dark chocolate with peanut butter. :)

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