photo credit: @gaellemarcel via Unsplash
I was going to post a Five Things Friday post but didn’t get around to it, so instead you’ll get a Tuesday Morning Coffee Chat.
If we had a coffee chat today…
… I’d tell you that Engie kindly invited me to participate in her 20th Blogaversary celebrations and am thankful she let me take over her blog the other day to talk about my favorite mantras and inspirational quotes. Check it out, if you’re curious.
… I’d tell you that I spent a long weekend in Southern California visiting my mother-in-law and that she is doing very well. She’s still doing immunotherapy for the next few months, but her hair is growing back, she has more energy, and looks great overall. I am so thankful for her great recovery and that I was able to spend time with her.
… I’d have to slip in here that I was relieved to hear that Joe Biden did the right thing and dropped out of the presidential race this weekend. I don’t think he was a sustainable option anymore. The path forward is going to look a little rocky, but I’ll throw my support behind any candidate that will beat Tr*mp in November. Have you seen his speech at the RNC last week? I mean, if you didn’t – don’t waste 90+ precious minutes of your time. It’s not worth it. But if you sat through it, I want to know if you’re as disgusted – and confused – as I am. (And yes, this election is – unfortunately, but nonetheless – about “anybody but Tr*mp”. I wish we had choices but we don’t. But at least there is hope that we might have more choices in the future.) I have more thoughts on all of this, but I leave it at that for now.
… I’d tell you that I finished two workout challenges last weekend – both the 8-week Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge and the 7-week PZPack Seven Deadly Zones “Power Zone” Challenge.
… I’d tell you that next weekend is the next “PeloFondo“, a Gran Fondo-style endurance challenge for Peloton riders, and I am looking forward to collect miles with my Streakers365 team. In the world of road cycling, a GranFondo (which is Italian and roughly translates to “big race”) is a long-distance mass cycling event that starts at 75 miles (120 km). The PeloFondo event takes place several times per year and the main goal is to ride a designated amount of miles over the course of a weekend. You can join individually or as a team, you choose a total mileage goal, and you can decide if you want to complete the mileage in one day, or if you want to split it up over two days.
… I’d tell you that I finally met one of my co-workers, with whom I’ve been working closely for about 4 years, in person last week. He works in a different office and we’ve been exclusively working together over Teams. Video calls have helped to get to know each other but it was really nice to finally meet in person.
… last but not least, I would share this beautiful Southern California sunset with you. I was so happy I could spend some time at the beach and witness this beautiful view.

If we had a coffee chat today, what would you tell me about your weekend?
July 23, 2024 at 11:05 amI am SO jealous of people who live by big water. I love so much about where I live, but I have always been happiest near water.
My daughter and I went to our friends’ cottage – we usually go once a summer in a huge group, but this was a smaller, spontaneous gathering, and it was really lovely to be chill and just hang out and swim and kayak and talk.
I’m Canadian, but obviously we are invested in the election results, and I am also really grateful (and surprised) that Biden dropped out. I would vote for Kamala Harris in a heartbeat, but given that Hillary Clinton was a white woman and enough people did not vote for her (see Patton Oswalt’s quote: ‘turns out we’re more sexist than we are racist — and we’re pretty f***ing racist’), well… hope hope hope.
July 23, 2024 at 11:30 amThanks for coming over to my blog. It seems to be inspiring everyone!
Anybody but Trump is definitely my POV at this point. Oh, an experienced prosecutor with political experience over a convicted felon who has admitted to sexual assault? Seems like a no brainer to me.
Lisa's Yarns
July 23, 2024 at 1:55 pmI was so relieved that Biden dropped out, too. He had no chance at beating Trump IMO. Harris has a hard battle ahead of her but she’s up to the challenge and it will be nice to have a fresh face with great experience. I just wish Biden had never sought re-election in the first place. But so it goes.
I am glad your MIL is doing so well! That is so great to hear!
July 24, 2024 at 4:57 amI loved your guest post. I’m so glad that your MIL is doing well.
It’s a given that I’m voting for not-Trump, but I am glad that Biden stepped out.
July 24, 2024 at 6:55 amWill head over to read your guest post. Wonderful news that your MIL is doing so well. How great that you were able to spend time with her. The presidential election – so much nonsense. I do think it was right that Biden stepped down. If only Trump would too. A parent of one of Curly’s teammates has a campaign t-shirt “Seinfeld for president/Castanza for VP.” That cracked me up.
If we had coffee, I’d tell you that I was in SC for several days watching Curly play bball. It was an exciting tournament, but I’m glad to be home. While I was gone, there were 4 moms who reached out to me to see if I had space in my daycare. I’m juggling my schedule – it’s like a jigsaw puzzle.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
July 25, 2024 at 4:24 amWhat a lovely sunset. I miss the ocean. Or any kind of huge water really.
Happy to hear your MIL is doing better and you get to spend time with her.
This whole political stuff is giving me a migraine (figuratively and literally speaking… sigh). And it is just not the US…
Ally Bean
July 25, 2024 at 6:57 amI’m with you about Harris, she’s all that and a bag of chips, like they used to say. Your sunset photo makes me feel wistful for living near a big body of water. I’m glad you’re able to enjoy it to its fullest. Finally meeting in person a coworker is a fun big deal. I’m glad you connected.
July 25, 2024 at 10:00 amSpending time near the ocean is always good in my book. I can’t believe I don’t take more advantage of it that we live so fairly close. But I do go on a short hike near the bay with one of my mom friends and the boys this last weekend. And I did get a lot of sewing done what was really fun.
July 26, 2024 at 2:13 amSo so happy you got to spend time with your MIL in beautiful SoCal (oh how I miss it) and that she is doing so much better. <3
The drop-out of J.B. were the best news in a while. Kudos to him – I just wish he would`ve made the decision a bit earlier. At least I now feel a glimse of hope again.
Can`t wait for Pelofondo to start tomorrow – see you on the bike my friend ! !
July 26, 2024 at 7:57 amHi San, thanks for the update.
What can I tell you about my weekend… I was in A mood, omg, the luteal phase – a week before my period- makes me so miserable. I got my period since and felt better but boy oh boy, hormones can be so delicate…
July 26, 2024 at 8:38 amI was so relieved when Biden stepped down, and I’m really excited for Harris to be in the race. (I *need* a debate between Harris and Trump; she will wipe the floor with him!) It’s been cool to see the groundswell of support for her, and I just have to be hopeful that people do not want another 4 years of Trump!
I’m so glad to hear the news about your MIL. What a relief that must be!
July 26, 2024 at 10:53 amSo glad to hear about your MIL!
How fun to meet a coworker in person after so many years! I love that, although it can be jarring to meet someone in person if you’ve only ever experienced them from a distance.
Your guest post was so fun to read!
July 28, 2024 at 5:56 pmThat’s great news about your MIL, yay! Also yay to getting some beach time while in SoCal. I’ve enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm growing for Harris, I hope she kicks Trumps butt in November. She was my choice in 2020, before she dropped out.
August 7, 2024 at 2:31 amSan, you know where I am politically, and I feel exactly the same way. I would have voted for anyone – ANYone – over T****, but this just makes it so. much. better. And since I am commenting so late, I am thrilled she picked Walz, the best (IMO) of what seemed to be the top 3.
Moving on, I am near big water now but not the ocean. There is something so soothing about the endless horizon, and I miss that part of coastal living so, so much. Sigh. So glad your MIL is doing better – I was worried when I saw you were there. Whew. <3