The 100 Day Project

My friend Tobia has been talking about #the100dayproject for… oh, years! Last week, she announced that she’ll be participating again this year and shared (an older post) how she is preparing for it. The project starts on February, 18th.

I’ve been intrigued for a long time and considered myself a creative person once. Somehow along the way, I lost my creativity. Or should I say, I stopped making enough time to be creative. Wait. I am still creative. I knit (and crochet) regularly, but I used to do so much more than that. I used to make cards, I cross-stitched, and sketched when I was younger.

Tobia mentioned that she’s even seen people participate with something “non-creative” like exercising daily. It’s not a fear of commitment on my part. Have you been reading here? You know I like a good challenge and I like to commit to things. I know a thing or two about exercising daily. My streak is going strong (1134 days as of today) and it’s really about getting into the habit of doing something every day. I mean, think about it, we choose to do a lot of things every single day and don’t think about it twice.

So, I decided to just give it a go this year. I don’t have any excuse not to try. 5-10 minutes every day. How hard can it be? And what is the worst that could happen? I fail. As Tobia said in her post, even if I decide on day two that I can’t follow through, I will have spent one more day being creative and trying something new. I’ll take that.

I decided to choose a – somewhat simple – project for my first 100-day project. I will commit to doodling in my reverse coloring book every day and sharing my progress.

You might remember that I had heard about reverse coloring for the first time last fall. Instead of line-drawn images that you fill with color, a reverse coloring book has unfinished watercolors where you can trace the shapes, draw in figures, doodle, shade, or cover areas with patterns. I was so excited when I received one of these reverse coloring books for Christmas but I have yet to use it. So I thought the 100 day project is just the right challenge for me to get started.

I am curious to find out if I will be able to follow through but announcing my participation here on my blog seems like a good way to hold myself accountable. #100daysofreversecoloring

Have you participated in a creative challenge like this before? Definitely check out Tobia’s project for this year!

  1. I am beyond excited that you join me this year. Yeah.
    First of I have to disagree with you. You didn’t loose your creativity at all. It just comes out differently. I mean you’ve been baking for three years… and knitting too.
    It’s just different kinds of creativity.

    I love the project you picked. I almost picked the exact same project. I have a reverse coloring book here too which I keep taking on vacation and rarely use. Image I would have picked that project.

    I am sure you’ll find once you start it’s becoming a nice habit. And has Elise Cripe said : creativity breeds creativity.

    1. Creativity breeds creativity! Yes. I am so glad I joined. And I think you’re right – I am still creative, just in different ways. Thanks for the mindshift!!

  2. I’ve never heard of reverse colouring – what an interesting idea! And I agree with Tobia above – it’s just a different kind of creativity! Good luck with the challenge, San!

    1. Thank you, Nicole. That’s a good way to look at it!

  3. What a great way to ease into this. I honestly haven’t heard of the 100-day project until today when I read something on one of Tobia’s posts, and here you are talking about it as well. I used to do all sorts of crafty things and have a room full of different materials and things that I used to work on and haven’t in a very long time. Maybe it is time for me to dust some of this stuff off and get going again. If nothing else it will help declutter a bit.

    1. Hey! Why not! Dust of your art supplies! Join us!

  4. We have that exact reverse colouring book; in fact, I was just thinking of giving an extra copy I bought (we have gifted them to some of my daughter’s friends) to someone this week! I think they are gorgeous and such a fun idea. My daughter LOVED reverse colouring (hint: Sharpie pens are awesome for this)!

    1. Aww, so cool you’re also reverse coloring! It’s surprisingly relaxing :)

  5. Oh wow- this looks awesome. i hope you share some (or, all!) of your creations! i do remember Tobia talking about this in the past- I’m going to go read her post about it. Good luck with your project!

  6. That looks like a really fun project! I hope you share some of your creations with us!

    1. I will! Thanks friend!

  7. Ooooh! How wonderful! I can’t wait to see your creations and I hope you have so much fun with the project!

  8. This is inspiring and I’m going to get my reversed color book out, as soon as I’m back home from work. Let’s get creative again – awesome job @Tobia getting us on the creative train :)

    1. Can’t wait to see how you like it!

  9. I can’t wait to see what you do during this challenge! You are so great at sticking to challenges so I know you’ll have great success. I used to have more creative pursuits, like knitting. But that fell by the wayside when I had kids. I would like to get back to it eventually though!

    1. Thank you Lisa. I am excited. And I totally get your situation, but hope you can get back to some creative outlets eventually!

  10. I’m excited for you! I want to see more of this reverse coloring book. I feel like it would stress me out to make my own pictures, lol. I need creativity with boundaries, I guess.

    1. Thank you Stephany. I find it surprisingly stress-less to just doodle around these color blotches. :) There’s no right or wrong!

  11. I have never heard of reverse coloring! This looks like a very fun project! I agree with Tobia too in that creativity has many forms and you probably are doing more than you thought. It is good to be intentional though as I feel it makes you think about it or realize it more.

    1. Yes, that’s it, Kyria – I just want to be more intentional again!

  12. I love the commitment and intention of doing something creative every day, and I hope you find it really satisfying and enjoyable. I have a facebook friend who is painting a picture every day. I am not sure, but I think maybe she is doing oil painting? That sounds really expensive and time consuming to me, and like it would take up a lot of room too. But she has more time, money, and room than I have! A coloring book sounds more in my wheelhouse.

    1. Oh wow, a painting every day! That surely is a time commitment! But maybe a (reverse) color book would be something you might enjoy!

  13. This is so cool! I could never do it (I actually would prefer to color in the lines myself…) but can’t wait to see what you do, and share. I’m not creative in ANY way, so everything you do seems like it’s creative – knitting, baking, all of it! I hope this is a fun but not stressful addition to your days. :)

    1. Thank you Anne. This project is so low key. There’s nothing you can do “wrong” with doodling. It is what it is, so I appreciate the low-stress nature of this.

  14. OH. I love this idea. I think I talk about this a lot – losing my creativity (and not making time for it). I think it is a lot of like exercising. You have to foster it to get better at it… and yet, it’s really easy to just set it aside for another time. I think I might have to join you on this.

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