Currently | December

STOKED | to be finishing up my last work day of the year. It’s quiet on Campus today. 

EXCITED | to start my new knitting project over the holidays. I think I mentioned that I have been thinking about knitting a sweater (my second attempt at clothing) and I am getting serious about it. I found a pattern and ordered beautiful soft, purple (“aubergine”)-colored yarn, which arrived just in time for my holiday break, and I hope to get started in the next few days.  

WATCHING | off-the-beaten-pass Christmas movies. I haven’t watched any of the classics yet, (oh wait, that’s not true, Jon and I watched ‘Home Alone’) but have been trying a few Hallmark-ish movies over the last couple of weeks. A friend has been doing the leg-work (kinda like what Rachel is doing on her blog with the Christmas movie countdown) and I’ve been watching his top picks.

LOVING | all the Holiday Cards that have arrived over the last couple of weeks. Holiday cards are my favorite and I usually keep them up all year (I just took down the ones from 2022 a couple of weeks ago to make room for the new ones that came trickling in!). Thank you for sending a card and for making my holiday season brighter! 

LISTENING | to a whole lot of Christmas music. Our Peloton Streakers Group has put together a member’s playlist on Spotify, and I also found a “peaceful piano” Christmas playlist, which is super-nice if you want something mellower.

WEARING | my favorite rainbow-colored loop scarf which I knit years – a decade? –  ago (featured in an old photo (see above) and in this favorite’s post). I knit the same one for my sister and I always smile when she’s wearing it (which she does a lot in the colder season, even after all these years).

CELEBRATING | the holiday season by taking a walk through our neighborhood and admiring all the Christmas lights and decorations. I am not an outdoor decorator myself (our duplex has no curb-appeal to begin with), but I really love looking at all these beautiful houses. 

EATING | all the Christmas cookies. Well, I only baked the usual “two kinds” – Spritzgebäck (spritz cookies) and Vanillekipferl (vanilla almond crescent cookies) – this year. I always contemplate branching out and trying something new, but I always start with these two recipes because they’re my favorite. What’s your favorite Christmas cookie?

DRINKING | gingerbread coffee. What else? :) 

SPENDING | the holidays in SoCal at my mother-in-law’s house. I’m taking the whole week between Christmas and New Year’s off and I am looking forward to some down-time, including more reading, knitting, watching movies, and some beach walks/runs.

GETTING | into the Christmas spirit a little more, can you tell?

What is currently going on, are you ready for the holidays?

  1. Oh I am excited for you and the new knitting project. Please share more.
    Also how wonderful you get to spend Christmas with family. Hope you have a wonderful time.
    Every year I am jealous of this ginger bread coffee. It must be amazing.

  2. Ooh, pretty purple yarn! I finally got my last boxes mailed today–they won’t be there in time for Christmas, but that’s okay, we’ll extend the season of celebration, and who can’t use that? Otherwise, we’re having a quiet holiday, Mom and I, after a very tough second half of the year. I have a few days off after the 25th, and I’ve started a list of fun little things I’d like to do. We’ll see what it ends up being, but I know some of it will be knitting!

  3. I love your rainbow scarf so much! And your knitting project sounds very exciting. What a beautiful color. My current favorite Christmas cookie is my cranberry crumble bar. Perfect mix of crunchy/chewy and buttery/tart.

  4. I love the colour wool you’ve picked for your jumper. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress. That’s wonderful that you have some time away at your mother-in-law’s. I hope it is a rejuvenating time for you.
    I don’t make cookies very often now, since the kids have grown up and I don’t need any more extra food around the house right now. Hubby did make the trail cookies from the Rise & Run cookbook.

  5. Merry Christmas San!!!
    On my dad’s side of the family we have a long tradition of making “butter cookies” for Christmas, and I do believe those are Sprtiz cookies! The recipe looks similar and we used a cookie press. We haven’t made them in years but now I’m feeling nostalgic.

  6. I used to play that EXACT piano playlist in December for my yoga classes. It’s beautiful.
    That yarn is exactly a perfect colour for you!! I bet it will make a gorgeous sweater.
    Merry Christmas to you my friend!

  7. Yay, San! I’m glad you’re getting into the spirit. I am working today, but it’s just me and one other woman in the office and the whole school is SUPER QUIET. I’m going to take a long lunch and get an oil change and treat myself to lunch out (a rarity!) and then I have FIVE DAYS off! Woot woot! It’s a celebratory mood for sure.

  8. Thanks for sharing! What is going on, am I ready? Oh yes, I’m ready. We don’t really over think it. My husband does have a tendency to over purchase but I keep reminding him that Christmas should not be about spending. One day he will get there ;)

  9. The spritz cookies remind me of my childhood! My mom used to make them when I was little but she doesn’t anymore. I will have to ask her why – maybe they were too much work? She used to make a dizzying assortment of baked goods so I don’t blame her for cutting back!

    I am ready for Christmas, but how we will celebrate hinges on whether Phil and the boys remain covid free. I’m fairly certain Taco doesn’t have it/won’t develop it since he was negative when we tested him yesterday morning. Fingers crossed everyone is healthy so we can celebrate as planned!

  10. I am feeling ready! As per usual, I’m now exhausted – just A LOT of stuff going on the last few weeks coupled with a stomach bug for a child last night and another kid not sleeping well and waking me up THREE TIMES. But, the gifts are wrapped, the food is planned, and I really want to just get in PJs and watch holiday movies and sleep for approximately one month? Haha.

    Love that scarf!!

    Your holiday card arrived in the mail today <3 What a happy day of mail delivery that was! I hope you and Jon have a wonderful holiday together and I'm sure you will be a real encouragement to his mom.

    I want that coffee and some cookies. Can you just pop right over so we can have a chat and munch on those delicious goodies together? Pretty please??!!!

  11. Woo hoo! Have a wonderful week off work and time in SoCal!
    I am excited to see your sweater progress. That yarn is gorgeous!

  12. Merry Christmas, San! I hope you have a lovely holiday in SoCal. I’m glad you were able to find your Christmas spirit. :)

  13. I’ve been thinking of you, with your IG posts from Southern CA this week, and hoping that you, Jon, and your MIL had a lovely Christmas. I imagine she is happy to have you both there for the holiday. <3
    I have a rainbow scarf someone knitted for me at my last long-term job and I treasure it… even if I rarely wear it these days. I should remedy that. :)

  14. Vanillekipferl are my favorite Christmas cookies too. :) I hope you had a good Christmas. I love quiet work days (like today!!) I love the aubergine yarn, too. That sweater will be lovely with your multicolored scarf in the future! ;)

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